Archive for December, 2001

This Month In #Contentmarketing: December 2015 by @dantosz


As we wrap up 2015, it is time for SEJ’s monthly recap of the best content marketing news in our industry.

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How to Structure a Perfect Blog Post (With Examples) by @syedbalkhi


Since the article structure varies for different types of blog posts, here are some tips and resources that will help you structure a perfect blog post. The post How to Structure a Perfect Blog Post (With Examples) by @syedbalkhi appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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7 Ways to Bootstrap Customer Loyalty by @dantosz


As an entrepreneur, you are used to working on a budget. When you are first getting your business started, almost everything is going to fall on your shoulders – social media, SEO, reputation management, customer service, accounting, and much more. Have you taken the time to think about how to build customer loyalty

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3 Questions to Come Up with Better Blog Post Topics


How can you as a blogger, content writer, or content marketing manager brainstorm and develop great blog post topics continuously? The post 3 Questions to Come Up with Better Blog Post Topics appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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How to Track Read Time: Getting Serious About Content Marketing Analytics by @cynicalgrinch


Simple numbers don’t give you a lot of insight on their own. Learn how you can implement basic content marketing analytics setup, and how you can expand it. The post How to Track Read Time: Getting Serious About Content Marketing Analytics by @cynicalgrinch appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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A Comprehensive Strategy for Dealing with Google’s Algorithm Changes by @neilpatel


If the changes in the Google algorithm does deal your website a nasty blow, remember that there’s always a way to recover. The post A Comprehensive Strategy for Dealing with Google’s Algorithm Changes by @neilpatel appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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5 Underutilized Strategies for Promoting Your Blog on Social Media by @kwanstaa


Aside from simply posting your blog post on your social profiles, there are five other great ways to promote your blog to increase reach with your content. The post 5 Underutilized Strategies for Promoting Your Blog on Social Media by @kwanstaa appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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