Archive for August, 2016

Search Live Coverage Carousel Comes to Google With Real-Time Indexing by @SouthernSEJ


Participating in the project will allow publishers to expedite the process of having their content surfaced by Google. The post Search Live Coverage Carousel Comes to Google With Real-Time Indexing by @SouthernSEJ appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Google Android Now Allows For Apps Search For Personal Content


Late yesterday, Google announced “in app” search for App Indexing on Android.

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Facebook Warns Advertisers: Speed Up Your Mobile Site! by @DannyNMIGoodwin


Your mobile page load time will soon impact whether people will see your Facebook ads. To help advertisers speed up, Facebook is introducing prefetching. The post Facebook Warns Advertisers: Speed Up Your Mobile Site! by @DannyNMIGoodwin appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Daily Search Forum Recap: August 31, 2016


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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SearchCap: Google real time carousel, In Apps search & AdWords sitelinks


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. The post SearchCap: Google real time carousel, In Apps search & AdWords sitelinks appeared first on Search Engine Land

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Pinterest Rolls Out 3 Big Retargeting Changes by @DannyNMIGoodwin


Pinterest is introducing engagement retargeting to let you target users who have engaged with your pins, and adding a new tag for better retargeting. The post Pinterest Rolls Out 3 Big Retargeting Changes by @DannyNMIGoodwin appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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New Google AdWords Account-Level Sitelinks


Google quietly announced on Google+ a new version of sitelinks named account level sitelinks. What this means is that sitelinks can show with any of the ads in your account automatically…

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Local citations are dead; long live local citations!


Local citations are often thought to be the bread and butter of local SEO, but are we placing too much importance on them? Columnist Andrew Shotland discusses the results of a study which suggests we might be. The post Local citations are dead; long live local citations! appeared first on Search..

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Latest Search Market Share Numbers: Google Search Up Across All Devices by @SouthernSEJ


Google’s share of the US desktop search market is not just stagnating, it is now on the decline. However, its overall search share is going up. The post Latest Search Market Share Numbers: Google Search Up Across All Devices by @SouthernSEJ appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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Google Structured Data Tool Supports Schema v3.1


Just a couple weeks ago we reported that Google will soon support Schema version 3.1 with their structured data testing tool. Well, it seems as of yesterday…

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