Archive for September, 2011

Google Hypes Black Eyed Peas Google+ Hangout on Homepage


Google’s homepage is advertising that tonight at 6 p.m., Google+ users can hang out with the Black Eyed Peas. This is strange considering millions visit Google every day but Google Hangouts are limited to 10 people, and’s pre…

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Some Worry & Some Don’t – Go Figure


Earlier this month, we polled our readers asking how worried are you about link spammers…

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Google+ Is Google Itself, Says Google VP


Google+ is the overriding connection between all Google services. That’s how Google’s Bradley Horowitz described it in an interview, conducted by Wired, that delved into some of the most common and important questions about the Goog…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, September 30, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Confirmed: Google Panda 2.5 Update Arrived This Week


Google has confirmed that the latest iteration of its Panda algorithm update is live. Based on our tracking of the algorithm changes, this is Panda Update 2.5.

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Google Shows “Helicopter View” Of Routing On Maps


Google will now allow you to take a virtual aerial trip in Google Maps/Earth along a contemplated route. They’ve informally called it “helicopter view.” It’s a pretty cool feature, although perhaps not as “useful” as traffic information. You plot a route…

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Event Tracking 101 For Google Analytics


Setting up Analytics accounts has evolved beyond installing “generated” scripts on pages and calling it a day. What started with the advent of software that told us how many “hits” we got a day has evolved into a sophisticated decision assistance engine, and keeping up on… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Yahoo Favors Its Own Download Site, Then Offers Yahoo Toolbar Download, Too


While the US government accuses Google of, in part, favoring its own properties in search results, Yahoo appears to be doing the same thing on download-related searches. And, in the process of offering downloads of popular software, Yahoo is also offering searchers additional downloads including…

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6 Tactics for Awesome ROI on LinkedIn Ads


When it comes to targeting strategies for LinkedIn, you need to know the various demographics, locations, and vocations of LinkedIn users. Once you’ve done that, you need to take this information and determine an advertising strategy that wi…

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Chromezone: Google Opens A Retail Store In London


Years from now, when we’re comparing the number of Google, Apple and Microsoft branded stores around the world, let’s remember that, for Google, it all began in late September 2011 with a small retail mini-store in London. According to the Evening Standard, Google’s mini-store is… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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