Archive for October, 2014

SearchCap: Halloween, Google Tax In Spain & AdWords Features


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Following Germany’s Lead Spain Passes Misguided “Google Tax” Anti-Piracy Law Given the saga of Germany’s ill-conceived and poorly… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: October 31, 2014


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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Spooky Google Doodles for Halloween 2014


Just as Halloween has seen some evolution over the years, so have the holiday-themed Google Doodles presented each year on the Web.

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Following Germany’s Lead Spain Passes Misguided “Google Tax” Anti-Piracy Law


Given the saga of Germany’s ill-conceived and poorly implemented “ancillary copyright law” one would have thought that another European government wouldn’t immediately duplicate the mistake. But that’s exactly what’s happened in Spain.

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Twitter Gives Advice On How To Drive Sales In The 2014 Holiday Season by @mattsouthern


According to a Twitter study, 54% of users said promotions on Twitter were what motivated them to make a purchase. For businesses looking to capitalize on the sales potential of Twitter this holiday season, the company has recently released consumer insights and recommendations for how to use the social network most effectively. Twitter Consumer Insights The ideal audience for Twitter users are retail advertisers, the company explains, because they start shopping “early and heavily” and are prone to impulse purchases

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This Was #Pubcon – Reminiscing On 2014’s Biggest Marketing Convention [VIDEO] by @mattsouthern


It has been three weeks since Pubcon 2014 ended, and not a day has gone by during that time where I haven’t thought about it at least once and smiled thinking about all the memories. The people met, connections made, things learned, panels attended — everything! I miss it all, and I know I’m not the only one

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: October 31, 2014


This week in search, I blow through tons of topics in 11.5 minutes. First up was the DMCA piracy algorithm going live the other week…

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Now You Can Stay Logged In To Multiple Google Accounts On The Same Browser by @mattsouthern


It’s not always the biggest changes that are the are the most newsworthy.

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Momentology’s @DannyNMIGoodwin on Tired Marketing Trends, Leaving Search Engine Watch by @wonderwall7


Danny Goodwin has had an illustrious career in marketing, editing, and search. After leaving Search Engine Watch, where he was associate editor, in August 2014, he joined Linkdex to launch Momentology, which is described as, “[a] leading digital marketing strategy and news resource for senior marketers who believe in a strong customer-centric focus and want to learn how to be visible and persuasive in the moments that really matter.” Below I interview Danny on Momentology’s goals and direction, what marketing trends are over-hyped and what marketers should be paying attention to instead

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New Google AdWords “Automated Extensions” Report Rolling Out


First, what are “automated extensions”? This is the new term for what were once known as “annotations” — Consumer Ratings and Seller Ratings which automatically populate in AdWords ads

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