Archive for May, 2021

Daily Search Forum Recap: May 31, 2021


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Will Prefetch Websites Built Using Signed Exchanges


Jeffery Jose, Google Product Manager, not only announced that the page experience update is coming to desktop at Google I/O but also announced that “Google Search will prefetch websites built using signed exchanges.” He said this was announced earlier this year but can make a huge difference with your core web vitals scores.

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Google: AJAX Crawling Scheme For Search Not Supported Again


The AJAX crawling schema has like nine lives, it has died many deaths but has kept coming back. The latest, John Mueller of Google said last week that “we dropped support for AJAX crawling a while ago, and now just index / render #! URLs directly.” But just a reminder, it died in 2015, 2017, 2018 and in 2020 it still lived on, a bit.

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Top 5 Benefits of Influencer Marketing for B2B Brands


Despite that 96% of marketers engaging influencers for marketing deem their programs successful, there are still a very large number of B2B companies evaluating where influencer engagement fits in their marketing mix. After spending the last 8 plus years working on developing influencer marketing strategies, creating pilot projects, implementing campaigns and running ongoing influencer programs for brands that range from 3M to Dell to LinkedIn , here are some of the top benefits B2B companies of all sizes are realizing through their influencer marketing efforts.

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Vlog #122: John Shehata On The Early Days of Google News & SEO (Part One)


John Shehata is the Global Vice Present of Audience Development Strategy & CRM at Condé Nast. John also founded, an SEO software toolset for news publishers. But more importantly…

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Mueller Touches on Google Sandbox and Honeymoon Ranking Effects via @sejournal, @martinibuster


Question about why new pages rank well then taper off results in answer that discusses Google Sandbox and Honeymoon hypotheses The post Mueller Touches on Google Sandbox and Honeymoon Ranking Effects appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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8 Ways to Champion Animals in Your Local Business Marketing Strategy


Image credit: Yoshihide Nomura If you’ve ever had the privilege of being present for a baby’s first joyful encounter with a household pet, you’ll have noticed the profound wonder and excitement of the little one’s reaction. Once upon a time, that was each of us beaming and bouncing up and down with the thrill of meeting our first dog or cat

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Google Explains How to Target a Specific Country via @sejournal, @martinibuster


John Mueller shares two ways to geotarget a specific country for ranking purposes The post Google Explains How to Target a Specific Country appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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