Archive for October, 2019

Google Releases Study of 2019 Holiday Shopping Trends via @MattGSouthern


Google has released new behavioural insights into 2019 holiday shoppers, with tips on how to sell to US consumers.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: October 31, 2019


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Ads New Lead Form Extensions Beta


Google announced, ten days after it launched, a new beta called lead form extensions. This gives customers who click on your ads a faster way to give you their information, so you can follow up with them later with more details

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Google launches Site Kit plugin for WordPress


WordPress users can see data pulled from various Google products. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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How to Find Subject Matter Experts Using Slack & Other Web Communities via @s_watts_seo


Want to create truly valuable SEO content? Find subject matter experts

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Google: There Are No BERT Values Or Scores


Danny Sullivan from Google said on Twitter that BERT does not assign values or scores to specific pages or web sites. It doesn’t work that way

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Global vs. Local Websites: Which Is Right for You? via @motokohunt


To effectively reach audiences from different countries, owners of global websites must always keep these key aspects in mind. The post Global vs. Local Websites: Which Is Right for You

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Study: Killing ‘review gating’ doesn’t hurt scores and grows overall volume


GatherUp’s examination of internal data shows benefits of inclusive process. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Why Discoverability Needs to Be an SEO Focus with Garrett Mehrguth [PODCAST]


Here’s why it’s important to focus on your brand being discoverable for SEO and why the marketing funnel is broken. The post Why Discoverability Needs to Be an SEO Focus with Garrett Mehrguth [PODCAST] appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Trick or Treat: The Spellbinding Marketing Sweets the TopRank Team Can’t Resist


Admit it. On Halloween night, the fierce competitor within you sprinted from home to home to claim as much sugary bounty as your pillowcase could carry. But the loyalist and purist in you was on the hunt for a specific candy treat.

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