Archive for November, 2011

SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 30, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: New “Save To Foursquare” Button Reaches Into The Real World Publishers and developers: are you ready for another button (or buttons I should say)?…

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Salesforce Launch Social Workflow, Merging Analytics Rules with CRM


This story originally appeared on V3: Rosalie Marshall wrote Salesforce unveils Social Workflow for social media analysis Salesforce has launched a new product for enterprises designed to analyse social media conversations and comments on…

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Cyber Monday 2011 Marks Biggest U.S. Online Spending Day in History


Cyber Monday 2011 was the heaviest U.S.

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Bug With Exact Matches On Google Keyword Tool


A Google AdWords Help thread has complaints from Google AdWords advertisers that the Google Keyword Tool does not show search volume when you do exact match requests. Search Engine Land received confirmation of this bug from Google saying it is a known issue Google is working to resolve..

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Google Maps for Android Adds Indoor Mall, Airport, Store Maps


If your Android is set to auto-update your apps, you might have missed the new version of Google Maps. With it come two primary new features: indoor maps and a new UI. Similar to the newly announced UI changes to Google properties, Google Maps n…

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5 Ways to Prime the Social Pump


Posted by Dr. Pete You’ve finally finished that epic blog post [infographic, LOLCat, Thundercats remix…] and tomorrow morning you’ll unleash it on the world. So, what should you do between now and then

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SEO Salary Guide For Top 20 U.S. Markets [INFOGRAPHIC]


ONWARDsearch released and infographic yesterday called SEO Salary Guide: For Top 20 U.S. Markets that shows you which U.S. markets offer the highest number of SEO-related jobs and what the salary ranges for those markets are.

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Top Bing Searches in 2011: Bieber, Kardashian & Royal Wedding


Bing has released a list of the top searches in 2011. Bing’s recap, while far more comprehensive than the 2010 edition, mainly focuses on entertainment and celebrities. In that sense, Bing’s top searches lists do serve as a so…

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New “Save To Foursquare” Button Reaches Into The Real World


Publishers and developers: are you ready for another button (or buttons I should say)? Joining the Facebook, Twitter, +1 and StumbleUpon button family are new “save to Foursquare” and “follow Foursquare” buttons

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Please Take Search Engine Land’s Audience Survey


We’ve got a special request of our Search Engine Land visitors and SearchCap newsletter readers. Take our 2-minute audience survey! Please? If helping us keep the lights on isn’t enough of an incentive, we’ll include a chance to win a ticket to Search Marketing Expo – SMX West in San Jose, CA..

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