Archive for October, 2013

Jill Whalen Says The SEO Industry No Longer Needs Her


There are few people in the SEO industry who have been as consistent and giving as much and for as long as Jill Whalen. To many, Jill is the Queen of SEO.

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Using Google+ to Appear in the Top Results Every Time – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by randfish Many marketers are wondering about the effects of Google+ on search results, and for anyone with a Google+ profile, a few personalized searches make those effects quite apparent. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, Marshall Lee the vampire king (don’t be afraid, it’s just Rand) explains how having the right circlers on Google+ can lead to top-ranked results for even the broadest of queries in their SERPs. Whiteboard Friday – Using Google+ to Appear in the Top Results Every Time In case you’re unfamiliar, Rand is Marshall Lee the Vampire King .

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Google Releases Android 4.4 KitKat by @wonderwall7


According to TechCrunch, Google has officially rolled out its latest update to the mobile Android OS, known as 4.4 (or KitKat). Google announced several of the updates that are coming with KitKat, which will be available  today on the Android Open Source Project and Nexus 5. The update will soon roll out to other versions of Nexus, […] Author information Kelsey Jones Search & Social Consultant at MoxieDot. Kelsey Jones helps clients around the world grow their social media, content, and search marketing presence

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 31, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web. From Search Engine Land: Google Testing New AdWords Site Search Extension A new flavor of AdWords form extensions has been spotted. It’s a site search box, and according to Google,..

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Google Webmaster Tools Overtaken By Large Logos?


There are two reports at Google Webmaster Help forums that Google Webmaster Tools has a display bug. Specifically, when you login and try to see your data…

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How To Optimize Your Website For Semantic Search: Interview With Zack Flannick At #Pubcon 2013 by @murraynewlands


A big thanks to our Pubcon 2013 SEJ Lounge sponsor, Paygrip: “the most powerful payment processing platform in the world.” In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Zack Flannick of Ally Bank leads a discussion about semantic search and how it can be used to provide more information to search engines about your website. […] Author information Murray Newlands Murray founded The Mail in 2013, an angel-funded startup publication covering performance marketing and mobile marketing

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Integrating Public Relations & Content Marketing – It Doesn’t Have to be Scary


At this year’s PRSA International conference in Philadelphia, a few thousand PR professionals from all over the world gathered for the latest trends and insights into the future of PR and communications. For my part, I presented on the growing role of Content Marketing for Public Relations to a packed room  of attentive and inquisitive PR and communications pros. On top of the networking, awards and education, there was plenty of connecting with old friends

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What Impact Do Web Directories Have On SEO: Interview With Carlos Fernandes At #Pubcon 2013 by @johnrampton


Sponsored by Majestic SEO, “Bigger, Better, Faster.” In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Carlos Fernandes of ISOOSI tells us what kind of impact web directories have on SEO in 2013. Web directories used to be a great way to build backlinks for search rankings but do they still have any relevance today? […] Author information John Rampton Managing Editor John Rampton is an entrepreneur, full-time computer nerd, PPC guru at Maple North and founder at

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How To Measure Success On Social Media: Interview With Alan K’necht At #Pubcon 2013 by @johnrampton


A big thanks to our Pubcon 2013 SEJ Lounge sponsor, Paygrip: “the most powerful payment processing platform in the world.” In an interview conducted at Pubcon 2013 in Las Vegas, Alan K’necht of Digital Always Media gives some helpful tips for measuring your success on social media.

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SPONSOR MESSAGE: Market Intelligence Report-PPC Campaign Management Tools 2013


In this new report you’ll get updates on the current trends and issues in search campaign management and automation. Also get insight into the impact of Facebook and other social networks on search campaign management. Plus, profiles of the top 10 leading vendors and analysis of the impact HP and..

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