Archive for February, 2012

SMX Live: Differentiate Or Die


Below is live coverage of the Differentiate Or Die panel from the SMX West 2012 conference. This coverage is provided by Avi Wilensky of Promedia Corp. Disclaimer: The coverage is brought to you in real time..

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SMX Live: Differentiate Or Die


Below is live coverage of the Differentiate Or Die panel from the SMX West 2012 conference. This coverage is provided by Avi Wilensky of Promedia Corp.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 29, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Optimizing Search Engine Marketing For Seasonal Opportunities Many in-house search marketers operate within a seasonal framework, whether a retail high season..

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cognitiveSEO Launches Link Tracking & Analysis Tool


CognitiveSEO is a tool that aims to provide all of the data and analysis necessary for link building campaigns in a single platform. Among the features SEOs may like: link profile analysis, advanced competitive research, and rank tracking.

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Optimizing Search Engine Marketing For Seasonal Opportunities


Many in-house search marketers operate within a seasonal framework, whether a retail high season culminating in Christmas, a peak summer travel season, or another cyclical ebb and flow of sales time. Additionally events, like the Olympics or a presidential election, can impact search engine…

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New Facebook Brand Pages Guide: Everything You Need to Know


Facebook’s new timeline-styled brand pages launched today and all Pages will switch over to the new format as of March 30.

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New Facebook Brand Pages Guide: Everything You Need to Know


Facebook’s new timeline-styled brand pages launched today and all Pages will switch over to the new format as of March 30. Some brands have already made the change. This guide will walk you through the new features and offer tips to get you ready.

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The Conversion Chain In Paid Search: Beyond Traditional Key Performance Indicators


A typical way of thinking of a SEM program is to look at multiple metrics individually, such as the average rank, cost per click, click through rate, conversion rate, cost per action, return on ad spend. Analyzing these metrics separately is a good start but does not allow search marketers to get… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Beef Up B2B Publications With Rockstar Industry Conference Coverage


Sharing. It’s a fundamental principle of social interactions that harkens back to Kindergarten 101. And yet… companies can lose sight of this essential concept when it comes to creating, syndicating, or rebroadcasting content in the social stratosphere

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How To Creatively & Effectively Build Links Using Public Data


Governments, non-profit and other organisations are under constant pressure to improve transparency and, as a result, are making vast amounts of data available to the public. The range of data sets available is enormous, with 16 nations currently spear heading open data initiatives, and countless… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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