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Google to block Bard’s shared chats from showing in Google Search

Published on 2023/09/26 By admin

Google will soon block Bard’s shared conversations from appearing in Google Search.

Google’s helpful content update did not yet target hosted third-party content

Published on 2023/09/21 By admin

Google is currently rolling out the September 2023 helpful content update and with that Google made several updates to its helpful content documentation , which we covered in detail. But just because Google updated its documentation, it does not mean that those changes are reflected in the actual algorithm that Google has released. Gary Illyes from the Google Search team said at PubCon today that those changes were just help documentation changes, that they were not implemented into the helpful content system yet.

What’s new with the Google helpful content update

Published on 2023/09/15 By admin

The September 2023 Google helpful content update is rolling out as of yesterday at about 4:20 pm ET and while we expect it to continue to roll out for the next two weeks, everyone wants to know what to expect from this update.

Google September 2023 helpful content system update rolling out

Published on 2023/09/14 By admin

Google has begun to push out an update to its

Overcoming the Google SGE challenge: Assessment and recovery strategies by Cynthia Ramsaran

Published on 2023/09/13 By admin

Google Search Generative Experience (SGE) is looming over the search industry, but little is understood about its mechanisms and expected impact on our organic traffic. Join this webinar to understand how to overcome the Google SGE challenge. The first step is assessing how Google SGE goes live and

How the August 2023 Google core update compared to March 2023 core updates

Published on 2023/09/12 By admin

Now that the Google  August 2023 Core Update  is  done rolling out , we wanted to take a deeper dive on how this core update differed from previous Google core updates, specifically the March 2023 broad core update . This update was indeed a big one, and caused a lot of ranking volatility across many verticals in the Google search results

Google Search Console rolling out new Merchant Center integrated reports

Published on 2023/09/11 By admin

Google Search Console is rolling out new reports within the Shopping tab listings section with deeper integration with Google Merchant Center. Google is rolling out two new reports, one that shows you issues that are causing your products not to show in the Google Shopping tab and the other that shows you increases or decreases in clicks and rankings of your products in Google Search. These reports are rolling out gradually over the next few weeks, Google announced .

Google Search updated its language matching systems

Published on 2023/09/08 By admin

Google has released another Google Search update around its language matching systems. This update was released two weeks ago, but Google only announced it earlier this morning. What Google said.

Google August 2023 Core Update rollout is now complete

Published on 2023/09/07 By admin

Google has confirmed that the August 2023 Core Update – the second core update this year – has completed rolling out.

Google Site names now work for all languages

Published on 2023/09/07 By admin

Google now supports Site names across all languages after launching it initially for English, French, German, and Japanese languages only. Google wrote, “Today, we’re happy to announce that site names are now available in all languages where Google Search is available, on both mobile and desktop.” Site names.  Site names are the title and name of the site Google shows in the search results listings. “When Google lists a page in search results, it shows the name of the site the page comes from,” Google explained