Archive for June, 2010

WordStream Offers Free Negative Keyword Tool


WordStream has announced that they’ll be offering a free negative keyword tool .

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Will Quora Challenge Google? No. Is It Useful? Yes


Yesterday the Wall Street Journal ran an article in conjunction with Quora’s public beta launch.

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Bing Updates iPhone App: Bar Code Scanning, Social Integration & More


This morning, Microsoft’s Bing iPhone App was updated to include new search and social features. I was able to play around with the new features this morning and I wanted to share my experience with you. In summary, the new Bing iPhone app includes: Improved products with landing page, results, details and instant answer Details with *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above or, in Facebook, by clicking on the “View Original Post” link below.

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Yahoo Search 404 Handling Poor Again?


A WebmasterWorld thread has several webmasters complaining about how Yahoo Search handles 404s.

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Google Says Soft 404s Don’t Result In Penalty, But Do They Hurt?


Last week, I wrote how Google was fixing the issues with the new soft 404 errors showing now in Google Webmaster Tools. I also went off a bit on a rant about how this is a big concern for me…

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How to Speak Geek at SES Toronto 2010


One of the hottest sessions at SES Toronto 2010 was “Speaking Geek: How Marketers Can Work with Web Developers to Achieve Business Goals.” Click to read the rest of this post…

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Article Too Long Errors On Google News? Get Special Consideration


A year ago, Google News started showing errors in Google Webmaster Tools named article too long. For these errors, Google would not include your article in Google News because it was too long. Sounds a bit crazy, but I guess…

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Hitwise: Google Search Share Grew, Back at 72%


Hitwise released the May 2010 Search Market Share report claiming Google’s search share grew 1% from April, bringing them back up to 72% of share on search queries. Here are the charts: By Industry: By Query Length: As Matt notes,…

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Google Bug Prevents Clicking On Second Search Results


There seems to be a weird bug with Google’s search results, which highly discourages people from clicking on the second search result. Typically, a searcher will search for search for something, go to the first result and if unhappy with…

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Intermediate Microeconomics for Google


Google recently released a PR campaign called ‘Google’s Economic Impact’ in a video at YouTube and a PDF file at their website . In it, they claim that in the US they “generated $54 billion of economic value in 2009.” How did they arrive at that figure? Well, they added together the impacts of four aspects of their business: Free advertising given to non-profit organizations The economic activity from sponsored links The impact from the ‘natural’ listings in their search results pages Payments made to websites that host AdSense ads

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