Archive for June, 2010

Trackur Update- The White-Labeled Social Media Monitoring Dashboard


We are pleased to announce that one of the amazing social media monitoring dashboard tools has decided to offer its services as white-label!  Trackur has always been a trusted monitoring tool, and now having one with your branding can be more affordable than ever. Not only will everything be custom to your company, but you won’t have to spend time in development attempting to make a tool of your own. The Trackur dashboard, which can be found in its new location- -  is generally the same- you’ll find subtle improvements in usability and slight enhancements.

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Trackur Update- The White-Labeled Social Media Monitoring Dashboard


We are pleased to announce that one of the amazing social media monitoring dashboard tools has decided to offer its services as white-label!  Trackur has always been a trusted monitoring tool, and now having one with your branding can be more affordable than ever.

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Creating A Social Media Marketing Action Plan – Part 3: Reporting


Now that we’ve defined our KPI’s and configured our analytics , it’s time to put together a client/management facing report that is both actionable and comprehensive.

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Was There a Google May Day Tweak On June 2nd?


Every SEO in the world should have heard of the May Day Google update by now. I mean, we covered it on May 3rd, May 14th, May 25th, May 28th and once again on May 30th.

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Bad Links: Words From Google


I often quote different search representatives from what I find they say in the forums. One of the most quoted search reps is JohnMu, a previous webmaster turned Googler.

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Bad Links: Words From Google


I often quote different search representatives from what I find they say in the forums. One of the most quoted search reps is JohnMu, a previous webmaster turned Googler

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Link Campaigns for Foreign Sites


At my office of 20 people, two speak German and one speaks Spanish.

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Yahoo Gaming Search Market Share or Being A Typical Publisher?


Time To End The Bullshit Search Engine Share Figures? by Danny Sullivan is a must read for anyone interested in how search market share statistics work. In summary, Yahoo, after months and months of search market share decline, is now..

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Track Any Page Changes with Diphur


I have reviewed some ways to track any page for changes (listing some web-based tools, FireFox addons as well as Google Chrome extension ). This can have various application for different SEO-related tasks like SERPs tracking , reputation monitoring, keyword research, etc.

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Incisive Media’s ClickZ Launches "Connected Marketing Week" in San Francisco, August 16-20, 2010


Incisive Media’s ClickZ is launching ” Connected Marketing Week ” on August 16-20, 2010 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Click to read the rest of this post…

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