Archive for June, 2010

Study: Three-Word Queries Drive Most SEO Traffic


Ad network Chitika has published interesting findings from an examination of a whole lot of search-driven ad impressions. Specifically, “Chitika looked at a sample of 41,103,403 impressions of search traffic coming into their network between June 13 – June 19.” The company found that 26 percent of (organic) search-driven traffic was the result of *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above or, in Facebook, by clicking on the “View Original Post” link below.

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Link Building Opportunities Big Brands Miss


I often talk about big brand SEO strategies and how I feel that they are taken for granted. Part of the reason is that we don’t take SEO seriously and part of the reason is the typical myopia and partial ADD that we suffer from

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Google Image Search Update : June 2010


A month and a half ago, we reported on a Google Image Search update. It seems there was another update over the weekend. A WebmasterWorld thread has Google Images guru zeus reporting on the update.

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How to WIN the PR Game


I sometimes find myself amazed at just how some people approach public relations.

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How to WIN the PR Game


I sometimes find myself amazed at just how some people approach public relations.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Link Building via Blog Commenting


Though there is a lot of debate about the value of blog commenting as a form of link building, it is still a very popular linking strategy. This guide covers some basic things you will probably encounter while blog commenting, and how to make sure you get your comment approved more times than not.

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Google "Strongly" Recommends Not Using Meta Refresh Redirects


In a Google Webmaster Help thread talks about the different types of redirects Google likes and dislikes. I figured, since I just wrote about using redirects for affiliate links, it would make for a nice subtopic.

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How to Easily Analyze and Translate Any Robots.txt File


I have already shared my opinion on the variety of various Robots.txt checkers and verifiers : be aware of them but use those with caution . They are full of errors and misinterpretations

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How to Easily Analyze and Translate Any Robots.txt File


I have already shared my opinion on the variety of various Robots.txt checkers and verifiers : be aware of them but use those with caution . They are full of errors and misinterpretations. However I happened to come across one really good one the other day: robots.txt checker .

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"Google Me" Unlikely To Kill Facebook But Will Vie More Aggressively


Although it is denying foul play, Facebook is apparently stealth-testing its search capacities in a move clearly threatening Google’s search engine supremacy… and NOW, in turn, Google is rumored to be on the verge of launching a “Google Me” service that would jeopardize Facebook’s domination of the social scene? Who’s killing who or is it the beginning of a genuinely more social-aggressive stance on the part of Google

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