Google announced they have acquired Metaweb. Metaweb is a search company that figures out entities and not just words.
Google announced they have acquired Metaweb. Metaweb is a search company that figures out entities and not just words.
Yahoo Answers, the number one Answers/Q&A search engine on the web, has announced a series of improvements to the search experience on the site.
Following the lead of Matt Cutts and the Google Webmaster Central team, the folks at Google Maps have started publishing videos that aim to help and educate local businesses. But, unlike the Cutts/GWC videos, the Google Maps videos are a bit on the … shall we say, low-budget/low-production side of things. And, the Google Maps *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Blogger and former journalist Tom Foremski reports he had a conversation with the head of engineering for Google in Brazil and says the guy supported the idea of open-sourcing the search index: I mentioned an idea I had about making the Google index into an open database that anyone could access, I said that this *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Danny wrote about the latest comScore search share numbers and what they might mean.
Google’s second-quarter earnings figures were good, with a 24% year-over-year increase, and yet still not good enough as they came below market expectations. This is why the forecasts we gave you earlier this week were mixed. Click to read the rest of this post..
Two days ago, we reported some people noticing a new design for Google Images. More and more people began reporting it but no one was quick enough to snap a screen shot and post it.
In April, Google relaunched the Google Local Business Center as Google Places and one part of that relaunch was the release of a FREE Google Business Photo program. The Business Photo program lets you include pictures of your business in…
Folks at WebmasterWorld are discussing a recent link update in their Google Webmaster Tools link reports. Now, we know that Caffeine resulted in the recent spike in links found in Google Webmaster Tools.
Folks at WebmasterWorld are discussing a recent link update in their Google Webmaster Tools link reports.