Archive for September, 2010

Yahoo CEO Bartz Announces Exec. Departures, Speculation About Bartz’s & Yahoo’s Future Begins


Yahoo has seen a long list of talented people leave the company during the organizational turmoil of the past few years. However it appeared the company was stabilizing and potentially even back on track toward growth and forward momentum

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Five Ways To Use Your Social Profiles For SEO – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by Aaron Wheeler Social media is becoming more and more important as the days go by; how else would I get my tri-weekly fix of XKCD delivered to me ? Many people know about the marketing benefits from social media profiles, but sites like Facebook and Twitter can make a significant difference in your SEO campaign, too! This week, Rand shows us five great ideas for using these sites to help with your SEO strategy

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Googles’ Link Shortening Service,, Now Open to the Public


Google’s URL shortening service,, has added new features and launched it’s open service and companion site today for public use. When the feature first went into action in December of last year, it was not a stand-alone one

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, September 30, 2010


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google URL Shortener Opened To The Public Just what the world needs, another URL shortener, right?

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I love this: the url shortener is now open to everyone ! I know the folks that worked on this, so let me answer a few quick questions. Q: Why are you doing this? A: Google needed a url shortener for its own products where we knew the shortener wouldn’t go away.

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Google Street View Now Allows Users to Explore ALL Seven Continents


Three years after its launch, Google announces that Street View is now available for all seven continents . This mapping layer was created to allow users the opportunity to “explore street-level imagery” and is incredibly useful for a number of things

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Google URL Shortener Opened To The Public; Comparing To & Twitter


Just what the world needs, another URL shortener, right? Google seems to think to, and it’s now making its own service widely available to anyone — complete with tracking and statistics — for free

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Facebook Jumps Yahoo; Second Largest Video Site in U.S.


According to comScore Video Metrix , 178 million U.S.

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BingBot Arrives Early [Search News Roundup]


First spotted at Webmasterworld , BingBot arrived yesterday, and Bing later confirmed a staged rollout is underway a couple days ahead of schedule.

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BingBot Arrives Early [Search News Roundup]


First spotted at Webmasterworld , BingBot arrived yesterday, and Bing later confirmed a staged rollout is underway a couple days ahead of schedule. Bing noted that you’ll continue seeing traffic in your server logs mostly from MSNBot, but will transition to (and be completely replaced by) BingBot traffic (Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0 + over the next few weeks. Click to read the rest of this post…

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