Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Instant And The Power Of Suggestion It’s going to be a long time (weeks or months) until anyone has a complete understanding of how Google Instant will change search and search marketing. The *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Tags: searchcap
Posted in SEO
It’s going to be a long time (weeks or months) until anyone has a complete understanding of how Google Instant will change search and search marketing. The change Google has made isn’t just to the user interface. They’ve changed how search works by dramatically increasing the power of Google Suggestions
Tags: features: analysis, google: instant, top news
Posted in SEO
In January, I was invited to speak to Google’s search quality team about issues I had with Google’s search results. My topic? For queries where I know a subject really well, I often found Google provided some pretty poor results in the top listings along with the good ones.
Tags: features: analysis, google: instant, google: web search, top news
Posted in SEO
This week Google announced the introduction of Instant which is a definite revolution in the way we search. Integrating things like prediction, dynamic results, and scroll to search, Google Instant will shave some serious user hours off search
Tags: news, SEO
Posted in SEO
It looks like having to ask for directions from strangers on the street is going to become a thing of the past…if you are an Android user, that is. Google has added a “walking navigation” feature to the latest version of Google Maps for Android
Tags: news, SEO
Posted in SEO
On December 20th, a federal judge in the Bay Area will be asked to approve an $8.5 million settlement between Google and several Gmail users who sued earlier this year over the way Google Buzz was launched in February. If it’s approved, the case will become a class action, Gmail users in the U.S. will *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Tags: features: analysis, google: buzz, google: legal, legal: privacy, top news
Posted in SEO
Pardon the baseball metaphor but it seemed appropriate: the impending debut of Windows Phones (Windows Mobile 7) is a very high stakes moment for Microsoft, especially in the wake of Kin’s recent failure. Redmond is now poised to spend a great deal of money to promote the new mobile OS in a highly competitive environment *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Tags: microsoft bing, microsoft: bing mobile
Posted in SEO
About a month ago, I asked if link exchanges are dead. I covered a WebmasterWorld thread that had discussion about how valuable these link exchange emails are.
Tags: link building, SEO
Posted in SEO
Yesterday morning Citi analyst Mark Mahaney put out a research note with comScore data that showed Facebook had passed Google in terms of time spent online. Mahaney observed: Looking at % of Total Time Spent by the top 5 sites in August, Facebook, for the first time took the top spot with 41.1B minutes followed by *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above ***
Tags: facebook, google: business issues
Posted in SEO
Maintaining multi-author blogs is hard but it definitely pays off. A multi-author blog provides the variety of insights, perspectives and blogs. Most feeds in my reader are from multi-author blogs – namely because I enjoy the daily variety they offer.
Tags: news, SEO
Posted in SEO