Archive for November, 2010

SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 24, 2010


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.

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Goodzer Launch In-Store Product Search Map for New York City Shoppers


With the U.S. holiday shopping stampede commencing in approximately 36 hours, tech savvy New Yorkers could develop a strategic advantage in the competition for deal-nabbing

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Daily Search Forum Recap: November 24, 2010


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web….

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Blekko Team Up with DuckDuckGo


Blekko and DuckDuckGo have formed an alliance against search spam. “Both our companies share the same mission of eliminating spam from search so that users get information from the best and most relevant sources on the Web,” said Rich Skrenta, CEO of Blekko. This partnership will see unique features of each engine shared across both engines.

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Retailers Increase Spend on Search in Time for Black Friday & Cyber Monday


Research released from SearchIgnite suggest a strong Q4 for the U.S.

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Search Tips For Black Friday & Cyber Monday


Ladies and gentlemen open your wallets — and start your smartphones. The holiday shopping season is upon is. This year more than ever there are scores of sites, apps and online tools to direct you to the right product at the best price.

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How To Frame Your SEO Conversations So Work Gets Done


Getting buy in for your SEO work is critical. For in-house SEOs, there is usually at least a small measure of politics involved and a number of different levels of understanding during each phase of sign off. During all of your conversations, pitches and back-room deal making (ex

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No, That’s Not Someone Having A Baby On Google Street View


This morning, there is a lot of buzz around a Google Street View Image that shows a woman giving birth to a baby.

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How To Craft Internal and External Links For Conversion and Click-Through


On-page internal linking to benefit SEO will occasionally deal heavy damage to the conversion funnel. If sites wish to thrive in the future, on-page linking strategies needs to be planned holistically and framed with an understanding that SEO is just one aspect that needs to be considered

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Google Social Search Coming To Google Images


Google Social Search launched over a year ago. It really hasn’t caused much of a stir over the year. But now there are signs that Google Social Search is being expanded to Google Image Search

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