Archive for December, 2010

Yext Tries to Take Down Google Hotpot


Google’s expansions these days cause more than a few ripples in the world of online commerce. Their push to buy ITA is still the subject of major controversy, and the fact that Hotpot now takes an active role in providing location data has a variety of companies fuming. One such company is Yext, and they have launched an anti-Google alliance.

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What Every Search Marketer Needs To Know About Web Security


All too often web site security is somebody else’s problem. It shouldn’t be.

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Windows Phone 7: Have ALL the Apps?


When we mention Windows Phone 7 here, it’s not usually with awe or enthusiasm.

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How Google, Yahoo, and Microsoft Stacked Up in 2010


The world of search engine technologies has been changing at an incredibly fast rate.

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Health Check: Will Google Take Over the World?


We have a few nick-names for Google here.

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Health Check: Will Google Take Over the World?


We have a few nick-names for Google here. “The search engine giant” is one of the favorites, while a variety of other names — mostly ones that point out Google’s size and strength in the marketplace — are often used. While there’s a definite aspect of admiration for the company, it shouldn’t be equated as fealty or obsession

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Google Fights Against Disclosure Order in Court Case


Google’s original business model was reliant on SERP ads.

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Google’s Site Performance Shows For Some Blocked Pages


A Google Webmaster Help thread has one webmaster asking why Google’s Site Performance reports in Google Webmaster Tools are showing pages he blocked using the robots.txt. The reason is pretty simple. A GoogleBot is not used to calculate the speed of a page…

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Geinimi: The Trojan that Eats Android Phones


For some reason, people who get their hands on the latest and greatest technology automatically assume that it’s invulnerable to the threats that assailed its predecessors. They rest easily, knowing that there’s no way that their personal data could be filched, or their hardware could be destroyed, or a virus could start the zombie apocalypse using their tablet.

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Developer Version of Android’s Next Gen Music App Leaked


Anyone who has an Android phone should be jumping for joy at the great news we released just the other day, outlining Google’s upcoming Android music player. This music player, which has been showcased in limited demos since May of 2010, is packed to overflowing with great new features and tools. We were able to get some great, leaked details on the application for our report, but it looks like someone’s leaked something even bigger: the application itself.

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