Archive for January, 2011

Google’s Knol Seems To Be Unit Of Knowledge People Don’t Use


Problems at Knol – Google’s Open Encylopedia – had people discussing the site more than usual yesterday. Google Operating System – an unofficial blog covering news about Google – found the site had problems and suggested it was being dropped. The site is back up, but its health may be in jeopardy

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Hotpot Adds Preferred Friend Filter For Location Recommendations


Google is working hard to push Hotpot as a competitor to FourSquare and other location based social networking sites. They just announced a filter that lets you select specific friends opinions for specific types of searches.

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DOJ Antitrust Chief Recuses Herself From Google ITA discussions


Having worked for the law firm representing ITA – the travel software company Google is seeking to purchase – Christine Varney, the U.S. Justice Department’s top antitrust official, recused herself from the proceedings. Companies working in the travel industry are claiming Google’s purchase of ITA could cause problems for them – allowing Google to deal directly with the airlines when flight searches are done.

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Do Search Engines Have A Bias In Showing Their Own Sites?


Ben Edelman released a paper named Measuring Bias in “Organic” Web Search. In short, he felt “each search engine favors its own services in that each search engine links to its own services more often than other search engines do so..

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Do Search Engines Have A Bias In Showing Their Own Sites?


Ben Edelman released a paper named Measuring Bias in “Organic” Web Search. In short, he felt “each search engine favors its own services in that each search engine links to its own services more often than other search engines do so…

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The New Frontier Of Mobile Optimized Video, Part 2


In my last column, I addressed the frontlines of mobile video optimization and also discussed the transformation of online video placement as a shift from containers to conduits. Now, I want to turn attention to mobile video SEO and ways you can strategically leverage your parent site for your… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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The New Frontier Of Mobile Optimized Video, Part 2


In my last column, I addressed the frontlines of mobile video optimization and also discussed the transformation of online video placement as a shift from containers to conduits. Now, I want to turn attention to mobile video SEO and ways you can strategically leverage your parent site for your…

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Checking If Your Ad Is Running In Adwords Just Got Easier


If you advertise using Adwords it has been a little tricky in the past to determine where and if you ads are running – especially if you are not in a particular location.

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Checking If Your Ad Is Running In Adwords Just Got Easier


If you advertise using Adwords it has been a little tricky in the past to determine where and if you ads are running – especially if you are not in a particular location. But Google has taken care of this with their new ad preview tool. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Whiteboard Friday Live – When Keyword Targeting Gets Tough


Posted by Jamie Whiteboard Friday Live – tomorrow at 10am Pacific Standard Time We’ll do it live!

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