Archive for January, 2011

SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 18, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: A Plea To Make Your Links More User Friendly Have you noticed that it’s harder to find critical contact information these days?

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32 SEO Tactics to Avoid in 2011


Posted by Lindsay With all the excitement and planning that comes along with a New Year, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with newfangled ideas. You probably have a long list of

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Google China Finally Sees Search Advertising Share Grow


Google China’s share of the Chinese search advertising market in Q4 rose for the first time since the company threatened to leave the country early last year after a cyber attack and censorship battles. Click to read the rest of this post…

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Matt Cutts Defends Google’s Search Integrity


Matt Cutts doesn’t only fight spam and assist the webmaster community, he is also fighting to keep government regulation out of Google’s search results.

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A Plea To Make Your Links More User Friendly


Have you noticed that it’s harder to find critical contact information these days?

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Bing Terminates Relationship With Publisher Doing Tricky Home Page Switch


Is Facebook’s third largest advertiser really a site that tries to trick people into switching to Bing? Apparently not. Still, Bing’s not happy with the tactics and is ending its relationship with the publisher

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European Google Antitrust Questionnaire Revealed


Last week we reported on two extensive questionnaires being used by the European Commission to gather factual information as part of its antitrust inquiry against Google. Agencies, advertisers, ad networks and publishers are being solicited for their input through these documents.

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Unfortunately, There Is No Manual For Multinational SEO


That was the response I gave a few hours ago to a packed room of attendees in a full day workshop on Search Marketing here in Delhi India. During the afternoon workshop that was more of an open Q&A site clinic format, the majority of the questions were about multinational SEO.

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Case Closed: Italy Drops Google Antitrust Investigation


An antitrust investigation initiated by Italian newspaper publishers who cried foul over lost advertising revenue when their headlines were pulled from Google’s main search results after they opted out of Google’s News results, has ended.

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Weekly Search & Social News: 01/18/2011


Hello and welcome back to ‘ 7 Days of Search and Social ‘. January is well and truly underway and the search world is real active! Threre were a ton of good posts from rants to humour and everything in between

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