Archive for January, 2011

Daily Search Forum Recap: January 14, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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EU Competition Commission Examines Google for Unfair Practices


Google, as we’ve recently reported, is a dominant player in search engines across the globe. In fact, out of the top 40 countries using the Web, Google has the first place title in 35. As such, it’s no surprise to hear that Google is facing the same sort of challenges overseas as they do in the United States: namely, cries of foul play from competitors and consumer groups

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Google: One Country Closer to Running the World


Google is more than a dominant player in the U.S.

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Google and Bing Grew in December Search Share


Back in December, we gave a report on how the search engines did in November. November, of course, has a special significance because of its association with holiday shopping — and, most of note, Black Friday and Cyber Monday

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Colleges Begin Offering Android App Development Classes


The point of education is to prepare our younger generations for the world that’s to come, opening their minds to the possibilities of the things around them and giving them the tools they need to become great innovators and contributors in modern society. After all, children are the future.

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Japanese Companies Build Google Android… Android


It’s a frightening world, filled with natural disasters, economic struggles, and — of course — deadly robots.  It’s quite a wonder, then, that people keep making these robots. One of the most recent, though, is of special note

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Google Hunting for NFC Experts


Every few days, it seems, we’re here talking about NFC again. After all, near field communication technologies — the technology that lets users conduct complex short-range communication that can do anything from pull up a site to finalize a purchase — do seem to be the way of the future. For one, all the big name companies are investing in NFC, including the leading phone carriers, numerous hardware companies, and Google (through acquisition of an NFC company, integration of NFC into their mobile devices, the upcoming Android-integrated payment system, and even some  snazzy NFC stickers ).

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Bing Adds Enhanced Auto Search


We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Bing can’t survive in the market if it tries to compete with Google on every front. Luckily, it isn’t making a go at that. Rather, it’s focusing its areas of expertise in, working on innovation, user experience, and marketing pushes in only a few select areas.

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Bing Set To Advertise During Golden Globe Awards


Microsoft is set to run a pair of television ads during Sunday’s broadcast of the Golden Globe awards, according to the Seattle PI.

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South Korean Police File Criminal Charges Over Google’s WiFi Data Gathering


Here’s a follow-up up on last week’s report: South Korean police have now filed criminal charges against Google over the collection of personal information via unsecured wifi networks. The data was collected by Street View vehicles in South Korea between October 2009 and May 2010…

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