Archive for January, 2011

SMX West Early Bird Rates Expire End of the Week – Register Now!


Early Bird Rates for Search Marketing Expo – SMX West expire this Saturday, February 5th. Register now and get 3 days of exceptional content and invaluable industry connections for only $1345. Join us March 8-10 in San Jose, CA for actionable tactics, best practices and strategies for all skill…

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Google’s Social Acquisitions – SayNow is the Latest Conquest


Last week, Google announced two more acquisitions of companies into their collective. SayNow, a voice/telephone service was announced first. The very net day, YouTube, one of Google’s many properties, announced the acquisition of fflick, a 6-month-old startup that used sentiment analysis to recommend movies to people.

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YouTube’s Fans Don’t Like New Home Page, Change May Come Soon


YouTube introduced a new home page a couple weeks ago and as with any change to a site used by millions, not everyone is going to love the changes. I summarized the large changes Google made to the YouTube home page over here but more changes are coming…

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Marketing Mobile Applications Effectively


Applications are big, and I mean “sliced bread”  big. Not only are they becoming a major part of overall mobile use, but it is becoming rare to find a business that doesn’t offer some kind of application to further expand their corporate agenda.

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Marketing Mobile Applications Effectively


Applications are big, and I mean “sliced bread”  big. Not only are they becoming a major part of overall mobile use, but it is becoming rare to find a business that doesn’t offer some kind of application to further expand their corporate agenda. Even small businesses are getting on board, with free apps that make it easier for customers to find out about special offers, her coupons or browse new items and services.

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Who Is Duncan Watts and Why Is Everything Obvious … Once You Know the Answer?


The keynote speaker at SES New York 2011 is Duncan Watts, a principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research, where he directs the Human Social Dynamics group. He’s also the author of the forthcoming book, Everything Is Obvious: *Once You Know the Answer . Click to read the rest of this post..

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Who Is Duncan Watts and Why Is Everything Obvious … Once You Know the Answer?


The keynote speaker at SES New York 2011 is Duncan Watts, a principal research scientist at Yahoo! Research, where he directs the Human Social Dynamics group. He’s also the author of the forthcoming book, Everything Is Obvious: *Once You Know the Answer

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DOJ Exploring “Search Fairness” With Google As Rivals Protest Potential ITA Licensing Deal


On Friday Reuters reported that Google and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) are exploring licensing guarantees as part of a potential “settlement” that would avoid litigation to block Google’s intended purchase of online travel software provider ITA.

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Blekko Launches Mobile Apps For iPhone, Android


I’ll expose my bias up front: I’m a fan of Blekko and its audacious project to make search better. Now the site that bought you the “spam clock,” has launched mobile apps for the iPhone and Android.

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