Archive for January, 2011

Google Adds Snow Conditions & Interaction Mobile Weather Results


Google announced two winter features for the Google search results. The first one is a live snapshot of the snow conditions in a particular area

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Google’s “Instant Previews” Now On iOS (iPhone/iPad) Browser


9to5Mac reports Google’s instant previews is now on Google’s search results on iOS devices. Instant Previews, which was introduced on Google’s desktop results back in November 2010, enables you to see a preview of the web page before you click through to that page.

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Five ways to get links from fan sites


Posted by RobOusbey Whatever your site’s topic, whether you are very niche or broad, B2C or B2B, a retailer or a publisher – there are likely to be independent fan sites that overlap with the subjects on your site.

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Quora Review: Too Confusing To Survive?


The question-and-answer space seems to be gathering some momentum despite Google’s recent address about “content farms” and the latest popular Q&A site within the search industry is Quora. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Android + Classic PlayStation Games? Sweet!


Sony has announced plans to bring classic PlayStation 1 games to Android phones and tablets before the end of 2011. Users will be able to download the classic games via a new PlayStation Store, which is part of Sony’s PlayStation Suite mobile gaming platform

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Announcing the winners of the Kinect contest


When the Kinect launched, Adafruit Industries ran a contest for the first person who released open-source code to extract video and depth from the Kinect. Adafruit also ended up donating to the EFF after the contest was over

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Search Week in Review for Jan. 29, 2011


Here’s a recap of this week’s columns and news stories for the week of Jan. 23 to 29, as reported by Search Engine Watch , as well as search news and tips from around the web

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After Just A Year, Even Google Surprised By Success Of Click-To-Call


A year since it’s introduction even Google is surprised by how successful “Click to Call” has become. “We’re seeing millions of calls every month; it has become a core part of a large number mobile search ad campaigns,” said Google’s Surojit Chatterjee who..

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D.C. Gets a Street View of New Anti-Google Video


Consumer Watchdog is at it again.

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