Archive for February, 2011

The Transformation of Chrome into an OS


We all know that Google will be releasing an operating system sometime later this year with Chrome OS. However, what many people haven’t recognized is that the plain old Chrome browser is attaching the same bells and whistles as the operating system

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Google Becomes Your Sous Chef with Recipe Search


There are always dozens of excuses not to cook your own food, but the biggest one tends to be simply  not knowing what to cook .

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Mobile Growing Faster Than Predicted, says Google’s Schmidt


Google’s strategic 2011 initiatives are “all about mobile,” wrote Eric Schmidt last month, prior to announcing plans to step down as CEO . In a keynote yesterday at the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s annual leadership meeting, Schmidt said mobile is taking off faster than predicted, ClickZ reported. Click to read the rest of this post..

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Tour the New PRO Q&A Forum


Posted by Miranda.Rensch Hello you Mozzy bunch! My name is Miranda. I’m a Program Manager here at SEOmoz. I work on defining new features and improvements to the SEOmoz PRO Web App, SEO Tools, and our website

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Why Is Project Management Undervalued In SEO?


I’ll be the first to admit that I have little knowledge of formal project management.

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A Local Search Marketing Tactic That’s One For The Books


Some commonplace, traditional promotion methods provide significant SEO benefits for local search marketers. However, many managers expend more time and energy focusing upon elusive technical tricks. Here’s one local SEO tactic that businesses should consider: write a book.

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Google Farmer Update Support Groups


Were you hit by that large Google Content Farm algorithm update that went live Thursday afternoon? Do you feel you were mistreated? Do you feel on the verge of a break down?

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Networking Galore @ SMX West: It’s Next Week – Register Now


Search Engine Land’s SMX West is March 8-10 in San Jose. That’s next week! Register now and you’ll still save $100 off the on-site rate. You already know about the exceptional content and highly qualified presenters at SMX West.

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Facebook February Frenzy: Page & Profile Update Summary


With so many Facebook updates in one month, what would be better than having one all-inclusive post summarizing the updates you need to know about? Click to read the rest of this post…

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Don’t Underestimate Over-Optimization


Is there such a thing as over optimized? Can there be too much of a good thing in link building? Well just like eating 100 of the worlds best canolis will make you nauseous, having too much of any good keyword can make your site sick

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