Archive for February, 2011

SPONSORED MESSAGE: Link Building & Management Made Easy With New Searchmetrics Function


Searchmetrics new Link Manager makes the tedious task of link management a lot simpler by allowing you to find, control, manage, and evaluate all source and target URLs within the integrated environment of our enterprise-level SEO tool. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 17, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Congratulates Watson On Twitter; IBM Says Thanks Among those watching IBM’s Watson win Jeopardy last night were folks at Google, which just tweeted..

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Google Integrates Social Into Search Results


Starting today, you will be seeing what Google calls “social search results” interspersed throughout the traditional Google search results, based on Google’s idea of relevance.

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Google Congratulates Watson On Twitter; IBM Says Thanks


Among those watching IBM’s Watson win Jeopardy last night were folks at Google, which just tweeted congrats over to IBM. In response, IBM has said thanks.

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Do You Know Pop Culture? Ashton Kutcher Is Hiring VP To Cover Events


So does traveling to various pop culture events around the world sound like fun? Is working with an actual pop icon one of your dreams? Well Popchips and Ashton Kutcher are hiring a VP of Pop Culture “to report on-location from the hottest pop culture events, helping discover what’s popping, and weighing in on all the important issues,” the job description details.

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Norwegian travel startup , was the proverbial “toast of travel town” at the end of last year. Moreover, judging from today’s release of their version 2.3 Beta, it looks as if the Scandinavian startup is ramping up for some more accolades for 2011

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Google AdWords Opens Automated Rules For Ads To All Users


Late last year, Google launched a beta test of “Automated Rules” for Adwords – “that lets you save time by scheduling automatic changes to your account based on criteria that you specify,” the Adwords Blog announced “If you regularly log in to your account to pause or enable ads, adjust your bids, or perform other manual tasks, automated rules may be just the tool you need to manage your account more efficiently.” There is a step-by-step guide to implement and get effective use of this new addition at Adwords Help Center . Click to read the rest of this post…

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Bing Allowing Trademarked Terms In PPC Now Google Did Legal Heavy Work?


Bing and Yahoo will allow advertisers to use trademarked terms in their PPC keywords starting next month, according to paidContent , suggesting they allowed Google to fight the legal battles before adding the option to their service. Previously Yahoo and Microsoft were stricter about the use of trademarked terms. Companies could get any ads running on their trademarked terms pulled down by sending copies of their trademark approval

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Redesigned Bing Bar Toolbar More Like A “Dashboard”


Bing is introducing a totally redesigned version of its toolbar, called the “Bing Bar.” Apparently it has been “rebuilt from the ground up,” says Microsoft’s Stefan Weitz. Indeed, it operates more like a kind of “dashboard” than a conventional toolbar with… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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