Archive for February, 2011

Matt Cutts: Chase What Google Is Chasing After


In the J.C. Penney story we covered yesterday via the NY Times, Matt Cutts of Google had some nice quotes. A WebmasterWorld thread pulled out some..

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Matt Cutts: Chase What Google Is Chasing After


In the J.C. Penney story we covered yesterday via the NY Times, Matt Cutts of Google had some nice quotes. A WebmasterWorld thread pulled out some..

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Mapquest Takes On Google Navigation With Free Android App


Following the success of its iPhone app, Mapquest has released a free, voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation app for Android handsets. The new app differs in a couple ways from its iPhone sibling. Most significantly it takes advantage of the Google speech-input capabilities of Android and includes…

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Mapquest Takes On Google Navigation With Free Android App


Following the success of its iPhone app, Mapquest has released a free, voice-guided turn-by-turn navigation app for Android handsets. The new app differs in a couple ways from its iPhone sibling

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Hitwise: Bing More Successful Than Google In Returning Quality Results


Last week, Hitwise released a report on search share, saying for one, Bing rose 6% in share, while Google fell 2% (Google still has 68% share). But the report also shared that Bing is a more successful search engine…

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2 Books Promising Inside View of Google Due Out This Year


Two books scheduled for release in the coming months are promising to give us a glimpse inside Google — one from the perspective of a journalist and the other from a former employee. The first, ” In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives ,” is by Wired writer Steven Levy and due out in April

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Google Asks: Can Search Trends Predict The Oscars?


Search activity on Bing didn’t help predict the Grammy winners this year; Lady Gaga was the subject of about a zillion more searches than Album of the Year winner, The Arcade Fire. Klout scores also couldn’t predict the Grammy Award winners.

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Google Removing News Sites But Can’t Say Why


A Google News Help thread has an announcement from the Google News team by Harvey P.

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Glenn Beck Attacks Google As Government Shills


“Is anyone willing to do their own homework? Cause the media is not going to,” Fox News Commentator Glenn Beck asked Monday – and as a member of the media – he quickly showed he had not done his, claiming Google was “deeply in bed with the Federal government.” Click to read the rest of this post…

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