Archive for February, 2011

deCarta Challenges Google With Free Mapping, Local Search Tools Aimed At Mobile Developers


Today at the Mobile World Congress event in Barcelona, deCarta announced a set of free developer tools intended to challenge Google Maps and Places. I received a briefing last week and was impressed by the suite of products and tools, which include the following: White Label Maps Application White…

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Single On Valentine’s Day? Maybe Your Gadget Is to Blame


Geeks like their toys. Apple has certainly sold the public on the cool factor of owning an iPhone or an iPad

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Do You Know When Your Customers Participate the Most? Part 1


This is a question I ask myself all of the time and make a point to analyze with any data I can get my hands on. The idea is simple: if you know when your audience’s participation is at its highest, you’ll know when the best time to seed your social content is. In my opinion it is very important that you collect your own data and not go with any published statistics.

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Good Metrics to Determine the Link Value: NOT Toolbar PageRank


If you asked me to name the biggest irritation that I encounter when dealing with links, I’d have to say that it’s the belief that Google’s Toolbar Page Rank is the best method of defining quality.

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Does Everyone Search Valentine Info On Day? Or Do They Use Other Terms?


Over the past week I have been looking at the various search suggestions being made as I type in Valentine – seems we may not use the holiday name itself when doing shopping or looking for places to take that special someone. Christmas and Thanksgiving are two that do get heavily searched by name – so I thought V Day would as well. So any online marketers trying to find the right keywords to optimize for to take advantage of this romantic holiday should forget about the actual term and concentrate on the items themselves.

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Top Ten Things Not To Do On Valentine’s Day


Okay you no doubt have had all sorts of suggestions on things to do for Valentine’s Day – buy roses and chocolates and make dinner reservations, but there needs to be a list of things not to do – that can offer some advise to both people in a relationship or not. So here are the Top Ten Digital Things Not To Do On Valentine’s Day Click to read the rest of this post…

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Google Gets Painter Robert Indiana To Doodle Valentine Doodle


Happy Valentine’s Day! If the Google Doodle looks familiar, it was done by artist Robert Indiana who did the popular Love painting. The Doodle is another international one – appear in Google sites for various languages and countries. Keep coming back to the site as we will be exploring how Valentine’s Day impacts search and online marketing

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Google Tracking Health Searches For Disease Mapping!


The BBC reported that Google tracks people’s searches for disease information and is mapping them to find trends. While this may work as a way to gather insights in to where diseases are occurring, there is a big question on the privacy issues involved

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Getting SEO Value From Your Affiliate Links


Posted by Paddy_Moogan There are various industries online where traffic and revenue from affiliate programs is a huge part of the overall revenue stream. If you work in one of these industries (gambling for example) then you may have the opportunity of optimising the affiliate program to get more value from an SEO point of view.

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NY Times Publishes First Best Seller List That Includes eBooks


This weekend the New York Times Best Seller List includes eBooks for the first time. From the numbers eBooks appear to have outsold all print books in the fiction field and dominated the non-fiction purchases as well. Interestingly, the numbers only include sold books – I am sure if the pirated versions available online would make the numbers even more significant.

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