Archive for February, 2011

SearchCap: The Day In Search, February 4, 2011


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Bing: Why Google’s Wrong In Its Accusations Along with everything else going on for Bing’s Harry Shum on Tuesday — a panel about search spam,…

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: February 3, 2011


This week was an interesting week in the search space, we had Google telling on Bing for cheating and a girlfriend spamming her boyfriend on Google – too much fun. Google’s scraper algorithm is live…

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Google Blogger Gets an Android App


Google services cover more properties than someone who’s been cheating at monopoly (no pun-based  accusation intended), but some of these services are far more venerated than others. Blogger is among these.

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Google’s “Hiybbprqag” Gets the Spotlight


There’s plenty left to say about the mudslinging battle that happened between Google and Bing recently — and it’s even possible that the companies will continue to duke it out in upcoming statements. However, the press seems to be siding primarily with Google, who’s compilation of evidence against Bing strongly indicates that Bing really was pulling data from the Google SERP

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Google Adds the “Web Clipboard” Extension


While competitors must label themselves as niche solutions (for example, Bing is your source for travel, sports, and entertainment), Google is trying to cover every possible element of internet technology. As a pioneer in many of the fields they’ve claimed, they certainly earned the right. One of the areas that saw greater attention in the last year is web-based productivity software

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Google Chrome 9 Is Unleashed


Google makes such frequent updates to Google Chrome that hardly anyone hears about them anymore. As such, when Google decides to make a splash with a new version, it usually means something important.

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Google Gets Swarmed with Job Applications


When talking about Google applications, we’re usually talking about the Apple/Android battle and the struggle for a dominant number of applications.

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Bing: Why Google’s Wrong In Its Accusations


Along with everything else going on for Bing’s Harry Shum on Tuesday — a panel about search spam, dealing with Google’s accusations that Bing “copies” Google’s results — Shum dealt with perhaps his most important worry.

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Payback: Upset Ex-Girlfriend Spams Boyfriend In Google Images


Upset boyfriends and girlfriends are nothing new. There are plenty of stories of girlfriends getting back at their ex-boyfriends for mistreatment and visa versa. But in the age where Google ranks supreme, you do not want to mess with a girl who knows how to manipulate Google.

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User Considerations For Web Design And Online Marketing


The most difficult group entity we design for, engage with and market to is commonly referred to as “users”. Some of you know members of this group as people

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