Archive for February, 2011

Daily Search Forum Recap: February 2, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today, through the eyes of the Search Engine Roundtable and other search forums on the web…

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Bing: “We Do Not Copy Results. Period.”


The war of words between Google and Bing has escalated today with a strong denial about copied search results from Bing’s Yusuf Mehdi, who also accused Google of a form of click fraud in setting up its test involving “honeypot” search results.

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2011′s New Spam Tool – Bing?


It was interesting watching Bing and Google squabble like fashionistas over the last purse on sale yesterday. Each claiming to have the high ground. And, as always the usual interest and excitement over a bit of drama slowly gave way to the ‘so what’s’ as the day went on, and so what would be right, as much of a distraction as it was, it really had very little relevance to actually making money

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Visit Museums Of The World From Home With Google’s Art Project


Google has launched Art Project, an online walk through the world’s greatest museums, using the technology they employ for “Street View”, the company announced today . If you look below the search box today you should find a strip of pictures that link to the website they have set up to give people access to some of the world’s greatest art. As ZDnet notes, “Google Art Project actually takes you to the floor of a museum, offering high-resolution close-ups of approximately 1,000 works of art and tours of at least 17 museums

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Honeycomb Puts Android 3.0 Tablets On Nearly Equal Footing With iPad


This morning Google showcased the features of its new tablet-optimized version of Android: Honeycomb.

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Profits Up, Revenue Down At AOL


CEO Tim Armstrong announced that AOL’s profits for 2010 were up, despite an overall drop in revenue, MarketWatch reported .

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Google’s Honeycomb: Not Just for Tablets


Google has made some stalwart efforts when it comes to breaking into the tablet scene. Here, of course, we mean “stalwart” as in the sort of efforts that the French Resistance made against Germany during World War II; yes, they did a  little bit , and the efforts are certainly worth admiring, but it’s not nearly enough

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Google Hiring Direct App Developers


The application war remains one of the central areas of concern when considering Google’s market position in the mobile device world — and mobile devices (including smartphones and tablets) will, according to several industry analysts, play a prominent role for all involved companies in the upcoming years. There’s little doubt that Apple is still leading this race, but Google is stepping up their game by hiring “dozens” of engineers for in-house applications. The state of the game right now is that Apple and Android are far ahead of the rest of the pack, but Apple has a significant lead.

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Google Latitude Joins the “Check-In” Race


Google Latitude was one of the first location-based services to launch, but rather than “leading the race” as Google so often does, the service simply fell into the heap of runners-up to the popular 4Square. While 4Square was released after Latitude, the service quickly gained more press and popularity due to their lineup of features. Among those features, the most quickly appealing was 4Square’s invocation of the competitive spirit, largely through “check-ins” and the various rewards for doing so

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Google Music Streaming : Launching Soon?


Tonight (February 2nd) is the night of the Google Android Honeycomb event, where we will get our first truly back to front view of the new OS. There are plenty of exciting features to talk about here, but one of the items that  might be revealed is the Google Music Library.

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