Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it would be rolling out its own photo sharing service. I found this enabled for my own account last week and today got a formal message about it.
Earlier this month, Twitter announced that it would be rolling out its own photo sharing service. I found this enabled for my own account last week and today got a formal message about it.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web.
Google now officially supports the use of the rel=canonical attribute within HTTP Headers. In 2009, Google, Yahoo and Bing introduced the canonical tag as a way to allow webmasters to do 301 redirects without physically redirecting humans..
Another busy week of discussion last week on our sister site, Sphinn, with more than a third of the published stories attracting comments. The most conversation happened around our “Discussion of the Week,” which asked Automated Tweets … Yay or Nay?
There’s lots of advice out there for what to do in optimizing websites for local businesses, yet day after day, we see some of the same bad practices continue to be perpetuated in bad web designs. So, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, here’s a reminder of some basic things… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Google has been busy with testing search interfaces this weekend. A new test spotted by a member at WebmasterWorld claims Google is testing a form of an instant next button in the search results
… and moving to a bigger house.
The Huffington Post has started a flame war with The New York Times claiming higher online users, but the integration with AOL has a lot to do with that and appears as if many parts of AOL are being rebranded under the Huffington Post. The increas..
I don’t know who spread the word, but for some reason, thousands of people entered the blogging niche thinking that it was a cheap and easy meal ticket. Of course, most of them quickly found out that this isn’t a place for slackers, but still – there is still a prevalent amount of passion-less bloggers that I’d like nothing more than to pull the plug on.
The Internet is a vast world that is constantly changing and evolving. As more people log on, the necessity for organization of content and increasing findability of relevant sources are increasing at a rapid rate. This growing need requires major advances in the way information is cataloged, and developers have jumped on the opportunity to create new tools for this purpose. Among the more recent advances is the introduction of Schema.org, which allows search engines to more accurately gauge the relevance of web content.