In North America, Yahoo! is a great site for aggregating data but it’s really not a search or web advertising site.
In North America, Yahoo! is a great site for aggregating data but it’s really not a search or web advertising site.
Google is facing a big problem with spam. That’s not a secret
Landing pages can be categorized into two buckets: high converting ones and the usual ones. Thanks to my background in A/B testing, I have had the privilege of observing many of our customers improve their landing pages by testing various elements. It’s true that testing all parts of a landing page..
Caution: This starts as a mean spirited post, but there is some humility forthcoming, please persevere through the rant. The following is a rough recollection of a conversation I had with a PR professional recently about BusinessWire’s press release services that come chock-a-block full of SEO… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Bing’s “Honey Badger” – An Upgrade To Webmaster Tools This morning at our SMX Advanced conference, Bing’s Stefan Weitz announced…
About a month ago, I showed you all a presentation given by Eli Pariser at TED named Beware online “filter bubbles”. The argument is very convincing, and I strongly recommend you watch it, if you have not done so already…
Beyond the “big brother is watching you” type conspiracy theories of Facebook’s technology, there’s one recurring concern. Facebook rarely tells users that they have changed the account privacy settings and nearly always automatically opts users…
IE just hit version 9, Firefox hit version 4, and Chrome – the newest kid on the block – is already at version 12. That’s not to say these numbers can’t be inflated, but a big portion of the blame can be put on Google’s six week release cyclce for the product. This time around we’re getting some improved security features, increased privacy, and 3D CSS.
Google is fairly selective about the political battles it takes up. After all, its multi-million a year U.S. lobbying budget can only be stretched so far, and they’ve always preoccupied with the lawsuits across Europe, the U.S., and elsewhere
Delivering on a promise made to Webmasters, Bing released updates to their tools for webmasters today.