Google is known for giving you answers directly within the search results, be it weather, stock quotes, current times around the world, currency conversion, or sports scores for the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL. Now you can add the dates of upcoming holi..
Google is known for giving you answers directly within the search results, be it weather, stock quotes, current times around the world, currency conversion, or sports scores for the NFL, MLB, NBA and NHL. Now you can add the dates of upcoming holi..
We have been reporting discussions around a possible rolling update for Panda. Last night I received confirmation from Google at Search Engine Land that Google indeed update the Panda filter…
Want to rank better on Google?
Posted by Dr. Pete Social media is a bit of a paradox – we have more “friends” than ever, but our relationships feel more and more superficial. When we retreat to the comfort of the internet, we introverts have even less incentive to get to know people IRL (In Real Life, for those who don’t spend all day on the internet)
Google has acknowledged receiving a “second request” for additional information from the Department of Justice, as it continues to review whether the company’s planned purchase of AdMeld would impede competition in the space. In a blog post, Neil Mohan, VP of display advertising,…
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Google Search Testing New “Clean” Design: For Tablets Only? Google is testing yet another design, this one is the same gray and black bar look but…
Each quarter CPC Strategy ranks the best comparison shopping engines (CSEs) according to their merchant tools, merchant support standards, average conversions, traffic, CPC cost per sale, and revenue to help online retailers decide where to f…
Yesterday morning I posted on how Webmasters were dropping the Google Plus One button because it was slowing down their site. Well, that worry may have been reduced because Google announced they have speed up those buttons to be three times as fast…
Google is testing yet another design, this one is the same gray and black bar look but places the search filters and navigation at the top of the page, instead of on the left. Amit Agarwal posted screen shots of the new design, here are two of the many screen shots he has posted: Agarwal Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article