Archive for August, 2011

Google Makes Chromebooks More Useful With Offline Access


Google Chromebooks are great — unless you don’t have an internet connection; then they’re essentially useless. (Other colorful descriptors I’ve heard include “suck,” “blow,” “fail” and so on).

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Google Adds New List Snippet Format


Google has released a new snippet format that extracts details from long lists and displays them in a bullet-point. The snippet format replaces meta descriptions and is used for sites that give categorical listings

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US Move Against AT&T-Mobile May Spell Trouble For Google


A big story today is the US government’s effort to block the proposed $39 billion acquisition of T-Mobile USA by AT&T.

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4 Areas To A/B Test For E-Commerce Websites


Out of all websites found on the Internet, online retail stores have the most potential for improvement through A/B testing. Amazon, Ebay and Etsy are just few examples of e-commerce websites that do a ton of A/B testing. The potential for A/B testing is enormous because of the sheer number of… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Yandex Buys Social Newspaper The Tweeted Times


Russia’s top earch engine Yandex has bought a social newspaper service known as The Tweeted Times. Yandex stated that it will be using the service to improve their social reporting capabilities. The Purchase of the Tweeted Times The Tweeted…

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Seriously! User Switches To Over Google.


We’ve seen users dislike Google’s changes over the years. We’ve seen users say they will switch search engines before. Heck, we’ve seen thousands of users say they will switch from Google to Bing.

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adCenter Changes Search Ad Relevancy & Quality Scoring


The adCenter blog announced ongoing changes being made to how they score ad’s relevancy and quality. The changes include: There’s an expanded definition of relevancy…

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5 Options for Choosing a Country, Region, or Language Selector


As a multinational company or a company that’s just launching internationally, choosing your country selector will be a critical decision for both usability and SEO. Usability: If it isn’t easy to locate, use, or otherwise just unc…

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5 Steps To Improve Your Customer Driven B2B Lead Generation


To maximize online lead generation campaigns, B2B marketers need to focus on the multifaceted customer they serve. Design campaigns to meet their needs across the entire decision cycle and business buying process to achieve the optimal ROI from their program

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Let’s Kill the “Bad Inbound Links Can Get Your Site Penalized” Myth


The Loch Ness monster is a myth. Despite concerted and scientific efforts, the only signs of Nessie are a few grainy photographs…yet the myth continues. In the SEO community, we have a similar mythical monster lurking, and it’s called “inbound links from bad sites can earn your site a Google penalty.” Let’s put this myth to bed once and for all.

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