Archive for November, 2011

Facebook Facing Large Fines in Europe Due to Privacy Concerns


Social network giant Facebook is facing more legal action from the European Commission for “eavesdropping” on its users to gather information about their political opinions, sexuality, religious beliefs, and where they are in the world. The E..

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Google’s Mark Twain Birthday Logo Features Tom Sawyer Getting Out Of Painting That Fence


It’s perhaps one of my favorite special Google logos ever, one honoring the 176th birthday of American novelist Mark Twain, the pen name of Samuel Clemens. It shows the classic scene from The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, where Tom gets someone else to paint his Aunt Polly’s white picket… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google-Motorola Merger Seeks European Commission Clearance


Google’s buyout of Motorola Mobility is already under scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Justice, but the deal will also require clearance in Europe.

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Searching For Answers On In 2011


It’s been about a year since Ask went back to its roots as a full Q&A site and at the end of last year, we offered up its most popular questions of 2010.

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Google Anchor Sitelinks With HTML Entities


Kim Clinkunbroomer shared on Google + (link might not work for all) that some of the anchor sitelinks do allow for some HTML entities, at least for now – I am sure Google will disable them soon…

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Cyber Monday Sale Groupon Didn’t Want: Their Stock 50% Off


You may have received a pile of Groupon offers yesterday, but one sale the company did not want you to see was their stock 50 percent off their first day highs and well below the initial IPO price of $20.

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Google’s New Black Menu Bar Is Now Google’s Old Black Menu Bar


Google might like to apologize to those of you who are just now getting accustomed to the new black menu bar that appears at the top of most Google properties. You know, the one that just launched at the end of June

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Daily Search Forum Recap: November 29, 2011


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Cyber Monday Spending – Heaviest U.S. Online Spending Day in History


comScore just reported Cyber Monday reached $1.25 billion in online spending, which is up 22 percent versus Cyber Monday 2010. They report that this represents the heaviest online spending day in history and the second day on record to surpass the billion-dollar threshold. Shopping at Work Stats comScore also reported that those shopping at work Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Yandex, Not Bing, Becomes Default Windows Phone Search Engine in Russia


Yandex has officially become the default search engine on Windows Phone-based handsets in Russia. Russia’s largest search engine has entered a partnership with both Microsoft and many major phone manufacturers including Nokia, Samsun and HTC. Ya…

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