Archive for April, 2012

Contingency Plans: The One Thing Mike Tyson Wants You To Know About Enterprise SEO


Before we get to the everyone’s favorite collector of white tigers and facial tattoos, it is important to set the stage with another heavyweight. “Brands are the solution, not the problem.  Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.”  – Eric Schmidt, Former Google CEO and current… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Dropbox Nightmare Confirmed: Google Drive is Live!


After enduring launch rumors for over six years, the Google Drive has finally launched! Sundar Pichai, the Senior Vice-President of Chrome and Apps, made the long-awaited announcement on Google’s blog: “Drive is built to work seamlessly with your overall Google experience. You can attach photos from Drive to posts in Google+, and soon you’ll be Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google Reviews Ads, Websites & Advertiser Accounts to Combat Bad Ads


A couple of weeks ago, Google was facing scrutiny from lawmakers over their human trafficking ads policy.

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How to Identify Search Engine Penalties


If you’ve ever opened your website analytics account and found a significant and surprising drop in search engine referral traffic, you know just how devastating a search engine penalty can be. But don’t panic!  Not all search engine penalties are permanent, and with a little detective work and remedial action, you should be able to Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Significant Google Changes: Is It The Over Optimization Filter?


I am seeing a significant uptick in complaints in the forums about downgrades and delistings of rankings in the past 12 hours or so. Most of them coming early this morning in the past hour or so and more and more reports coming in via the Google Webmaster Help forums…

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SEC Filing: Facebook Discloses Negative Financial Data Ahead of IPO


Facebook, which is on the verge of the long-awaited and hyped initial public offering (IPO), recently disclosed that their net income fell 12% in the first quarter of 2012. Also, when compared to fourth quarter revenues, the first-quarter total revenues for Facebook fell by 6% to $1.06 billion. However, the social networking giant told investors Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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Google’s Unnatural Links Messages: The Shot Heard ’round the SEO World?


Do the “unnatural links” messages sent out by Google represent an algorithm assisted human review of a specific link building tactic? If so, this will have big SEO implications. The clock could be ticking for millions of publishers worldwide

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How To Prioritize The Long Tail With Twitter


Lately, Twitter has been on my mind.

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How To Avoid SEO Disaster During a Website Redesign – Top Marketer Concerns


Last week I presented at The New Jersey Communications, Advertising and Marketing Association (NJ CAMA) about how to avoid SEO disaster during a website redesign.  Specifically, I covered how to avoid losing a majority of your rankings and organic search traffic when redesigning a website or migrating to a new CMS.  During my career, I’ve Follow SEJ on Twitter @sejournal

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AdWords New Phrase, Exact Match Variants: Top 3 Ways to Prepare


Google announced an update to their match types. Starting mid-May, Google will update Exact and Phrase match keywords to automatically show on close variants including plurals, misspellings, stemmings, abbreviations, accents, and acronyms.

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