Archive for April, 2012

3 Dos & Don’ts to Spring Clean Your Facebook Ads


Spring cleaning is on everyone’s mind these days, so if you’re gonna go all Martha Stewart on your basement, give your Facebook ads a little attention too! Start with these simple and effective tips to pave your way to higher clicks and conversions.

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7 Tips for Better Facebook Ad Performance [Report]


Agencies enjoyed higher CTRs than in-house marketers, while those pointing ads outside the Facebook ecosystem can expect a higher CPC. Social Fresh’s new Facebook Ads survey combines helpful insights with five industry expert tips for marketers.

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How Authorship (and Google+) Will Change Linkbuilding


Posted by Tom Anthony Google's relationship with links has changed over the last 15 years – it started out as a love affair but nowadays the Facebook status would probably read: “It's Complicated”.

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How to Create a Great Content Strategy for an Established Website


Making sure you have content dedicated to the highest search volume primary and secondary keywords in your space is essential. Here’s one strategy to Panda proof and better optimize your site to grab more of the long tail traffic in your space.

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Global Search Engine Marketing [Book Review]


“Global Search Engine Marketing” authors Anne Kennedy and Kristian Mar Hauksson, lay the foundation for a broad understanding of how the online marketing world operates in all the major regions of the world as well as special considerations.

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How to Check Which Links Can Harm Your Site’s Rankings


Posted by Modesto Siotos This post was originally in YouMoz , and was promoted to the main blog because it provides great value and interest to our community. The author’s views are entirely his or her own and may not reflect the views of SEOmoz, Inc. Matt Cutts' statement in March 2012 that Google would be rolling out an update against “overoptimised” websites , caused great turmoil within the SEO community.

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Robert Doisneau Photos Featured in Google Doodle


Four pictures snapped by French photographer Robert Doisneau are highlighted on Google’s home page today. Doisneau, who was born 100 years ago today, essentially did at the time what Google now does on a grander scale with Google Street View.

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Where to Land the Best Paying PPC Jobs [Infographic]


Looking for a career in the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising field? New York City and Chicago have the most open PPC positions, but it seems third place San Jose is home to some of the highest paying PPC jobs, according to Onward Search

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Facebook Expands Offers Rollout, Acquires TagTile


Facebook Offers are now available to more brands, including some international marketers. The Offers will be distributed to advertiser’s likes/fans in the news feed on the social site. Claimed deals will trigger an ad in friends’ news feeds

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GOP Goes Google for 2012 Republican National Convention


When the Republican National Convention (RNC) convenes in Tampa, Florida, from Aug. 27-30, Google will be its “official social platform and live stream provider,” presenting coverage of RNC events, programs, and interviews via Google+ and YouTube.

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