Archive for April, 2012

Google Glass Project: Augmented Reality Coming Soon!


In February, Search Engine Journal began covering Google’s development of “augmented reality” glasses. The glasses, which will enable users to simultaneously view the actual physical environment around them along with related computer generated inputs, are currently being tested at the Google X Lab

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What Is The Real Value Of Branded Search Campaigns?


Enterprise SEM practices apply not just to direct response advertisers, but to brand advertisers as well. We’ll dive into that logic after a brief stroll down memory lane. The earliest adopters of sophisticated paid search practices were those companies with deep roots in direct response..

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Report: Search Engine Market Share, March 2012 Update


The search engine market remained relatively stable in the month of March.

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Twitter Automation vs. Personalization


Where do you find the time to be efficient and take care of branded tweets and followers, assuming tweeting isn’t your full-time job? Top influencers share their philosophies, tips, and tools for keeping the Twitter stream flowing without drowning.

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Bing Video Search Gets An Upgrade


A week ago, Bing announced some large upgrades to their video search engine at Bing Videos. The major feature upgrades include:

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3 Starting Points for a Link Marketing Campaign


It can be a challenge at times to come up with new ideas for link marketing campaigns. Whether you’re at a loss of where to start, or simply have writer’s block here are some strategies to start you down the path of marketing inspiration.

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It’s Official: Facebook Countersues Yahoo Over 10 Patents


Facebook has made good on its vow to fight Yahoo’s patent claim by filing a counter suit also alleging patent infringement. Facebook claims Yahoo was infringing on 10 of its patents related to the operation of its web services and social networking.

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Google’s Special Treat For The Qingming Festival


If you go to Google and search for The Qingming Festival you will see a special easter egg in the search results. Try searching [qingming festival] on any Google property…

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Australian Court Rules Google Is Liable For Deceptive Search Ads


Google has seem to have taken a major blow in Australia after The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has beat Google in appeals court on a case on search ads…

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