Archive for August, 2012

Google Treats Subdomains As Internal To The Domain In Webmaster Tools


Back just about a year ago, we covered a change on how webmaster tools handles subdomains. I since forgot about that and now I see John Mueller from Google explaining it again in a Google Webmaster Help thread…

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Friday Humor: The TSA


The TSA (Transportation Security Administration) causes a lot of controversy. Some think they are critical to our safety while others wish they would go away.

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Vacationing the Social Media Way [Infographic]


It’s a well known fact these days that social media is having an ever-increasing influence on our daily lives. This is even extended into the ways we travel. From the actual planning of our vacations with social media to posting pictures and reviews of our trips upon our return, there’s no denying social media’s impact on the travel industry.

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Search In Pics: Domo At GooglePlex, Google Subway Bench & Google Fiber Van


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Google NYC Subway Bench: Source: Google+ Google Fiber Van: Source: Google+…

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ComScore Study: Digital Inventory Must be Validated


Recently, comScore released a whitepaper that measured the impact of viewable impressions on digital advertising. The study, which analyzed 18 different advertising campaigns with 12 major brands, was conducted to determine the percentage of ad impressions that were actually viewed and validated. To determine if an impression is valid, 50% of the ad must be seen

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: August 17, 2012


Busy week and I am currently on vacation, actually only slept about two hours last night…

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5 Reasons Small Business Should Love Local SEO


Many small business owners are still quite intimidated by online marketing. The rules change quickly and the barriers to entry can appear high.

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Easy To Advanced Uses Of Cell Formatting In Excel


In my post on table formatting, I demonstrated how to transform your static data into a simple yet sexy database in a matter of seconds. If you don’t know how to use table formatting, go read that post and then come back. Otherwise, your data will look like one of those housewives who goes to..

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Loren Baker’s SES Presentation: Enterprise Link Building in 2012 and Beyond…


Getting facts and advice from Loren Baker is pretty cool, and for some it can be pretty expensive. :) Below you can get “free” information from Loren’s presentation at SES San Francisco 2012. Loren breaks down some of the important history of link building and offers some great tips for the future.

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A Google Ranking Shuffle On August 16th?


There are many signals in the webmaster forums that show that there was a possible significant Google ranking shuffle yesterday morning and throughout yesterday.

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