Archive for November, 2012

Google Webmaster Tools Security Bug Re-Opens Access To Old Accounts


A security bug in Google Webmaster Tools has given users access to old accounts and websites that they’re no longer supposed to be able to access. The problem was discovered earlier today and reported on several SEO blogs and news outlets — including (first, I believe) by Dave Naylor… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google Bacon Number Got It Wrong


A couple months ago, Google came out with a cute feature where you can search the bacon number game.

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The Big Ask Of 2012: Do You Search For Team Kstew Or Rpatz?

2012/11/28’s 100 million users remain almost as loyal as Twihards, prompting us to ask if searchers are on Team Jeeves or Team Diller when putting in their queries.

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Google Security Alert: Unverified Users Regain Webmaster Tools, Analytics Access


Attention site owners: former employees, consultants, or contractors may now have access to your Google Webmaster Tools and Analytics accounts. A Google security flaw has restored access to users who no longer should have that access.

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Biting the Bullet of Technical Debt


Posted by MozCTO Rand has talked about the technical debt

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Hacker Selling Yahoo Mail Exploit for $700


A hacker is selling what is claimed to be a zero-day exploit that will let criminals hijack control of Yahoo Mail users’ accounts.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: November 27, 2012


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 27, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Seeking Maps Fix, Apple Fires Mapping Team Manager And Asks Outsiders For Help According to a widely cited Bloomberg report published earlier today Apple has…

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Bing Top Searches of 2012: Those Kardashian People, iPhone 5 & Beyonce’s Baby


Bing’s Top Searches list is out and reads like a compendium of everything that is wrong with America. The iPhone 5 beat out the 2012 election in news, while Kim Kardashian, Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus were the most searched people of the year

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Seeking Maps Fix, Apple Fires Mapping Team Manager And Asks Outsiders For Help


According to a widely cited Bloomberg report published earlier today Apple has fired another executive in connection with its mapping woes. The article says that Eddie Cue, who’s now running the software division, ousted Richard Williamson who managed the mapping team

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