Archive for December, 2012

Search & Analytics Year In Review


As we head into the holidays, we’re looking back at our own metrics for top posts of the year, and we wanted to share a recap of the most read stories in several categories on Search Engine Land. In the Search & Analytics column, our experts cover everything from the basic installation of…

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SearchCap: The Day In Search, December 28, 2012


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Facebook Is Wikipedia’s Most Popular Article Of 2012: Hot Topic Or Confused Searchers?

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SPONSOR MESSAGE: Digital Advertising Agencies 2013 – A Buyer’s Guide


In this guide you will learn how to identify, and hire, the right digital agency for your business. It will help you determine if your company needs a digital agency and what type of agency would be the best fit

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Google Malware Warning Bug On Yahoo Parked Domains?


A Google Webmaster Help thread has reports that a Yahoo Domain/Hosting parking service seems to have triggered Google and Google Chrome to display a malware warning. The user said his parked domain from Yahoo shows in Google Chrome as showing a “malware warning…

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Facebook Is Wikipedia’s Most Popular Article Of 2012: Hot Topic Or Confused Searchers?


What was the most viewed article on Wikipedia this year?

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Search In Pics: Wooden Google Room, Ingress Comic & Google Holiday Gifts


In this week’s Search In Pictures, here are the latest images culled from the web, showing what people eat at the search engine companies, how they play, who they meet, where they speak, what toys they have, and more. Wooden Google Room: Source: Facebook Google Ingress Comic: Source: Google+… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Increase Facebook Interaction Wall Post Cheat Sheet


With many Facebook marketing campaigns, while content is king, success is oftentimes dependent on  the details of the execution itself.

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Video Recap of Weekly Search Buzz :: December 28, 2012


This week at the Search Engine Roundtable was a bit slow for the holidays, just a reminder, I’ll be in Israel next week for SMX Israel. Google’s Matt Cutts said links from within press releases won’t help your rankings…

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Do You Believe in These 10 SEO Myths?


Given the number of different sources online, determining what constitutes legitimate information on the practice of search engine optimization and which assertions are either factually incorrect or maliciously wrong can be incredibly challenging. So, in order to sort the wheat from the chaff of the digital marketing information published online, I’ve rounded up ten of The post Do You Believe in These 10 SEO Myths

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Search Engine Land’s Most Popular Stories On Google+ In 2012: Panda, Knowledge Graph & SEO


It’s started, the top lists of 2012! Over the next few days, we’ll be posting a series of these, including the most read Search Engine Land stories, the most tweeted ones and the ones most liked on Facebook. But to kick it off, the stories with the most +1′s on Google+. How did we…

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