Archive for January, 2013

SearchCap: The Day In Search, January 23, 2013


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the Web.

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Google Transparency Report Adds Details on Subpoenas, Search Warrants, Court Orders


Between July and December of 2012, 68 percent of the personal data requests Google received from government entities in the U.S. were through subpoenas; 22 percent were through search warrants; and the remaining 10 percent were mostly court orders.

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Daily Search Forum Recap: January 23, 2013


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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New Tumblr Blog Raises Privacy Concerns Over Facebook Graph Search


That didn’t take long, did it? Tom Scott, one of the current users of Facebook Graph Search, has started a Tumblr blog — — to document its potential privacy train wrecks

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11 Simple Conversion Strategies Many Product Pages Fail To Incorporate


Every e-commerce operation relies on the ability of its website to sell their products. Without the ability to have salespeople roaming the floor asking customers, May I help you?, businesses rely on the their website to sell, sell, sell.

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What Is The Facebook Exchange Opportunity?


Welcome to 2013 folks, the year that programmatic marketing and big data will dominate the thoughts of smart marketers, now with the additive known as FBX, or the Facebook Exchange. Anything this big and new is bound to cause disruption, and therefore opportunity, and so let’s look at how you can…

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Google Improves Handwrite Search On Mobile


Google announced they have made a few improvements to Google Handwrite Search that they launched in July 2012. The main improvement is that you can now write and overlap your writing on smartphone screens…

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Facebook’s Graph Search: the Ultimate Personalized Discovery Engine?


The potential for Facebook’s new Graph Search feature is huge. It is going to take some time (several months at the earliest) to achieve critical mass, but brands and publishers can and should be doing a number of things right now to benefit.

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25 Questions To Ask When Executing B2B Content Marketing Campaigns


With the new year upon us, search engine marketers are focused on putting the foundation together for campaign execution throughout 2013.

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Google Earnings: 2012 Revenue of $50 Billion, Q4 Revenue of $14 Billion, CPCs Fall


Online search giant Google exceeded forecasters’ expectations with reported revenues of $14.42 billion for the last quarter of 2012. This is an increase of 36 percent over the comparable quarter in 2011, and an 8 percent increase over the previous quarter

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