TechCrunch broke the news today that a Yelp internal document was recently leaked online claiming Google is promoting its own content at the expense of users.
TechCrunch broke the news today that a Yelp internal document was recently leaked online claiming Google is promoting its own content at the expense of users.
Irving Weiss, the SEO lead at, shared a thread with me on Moz that in some cases, Google is only showing the reviews rich snippets when the query is a site command. Here is an example..
Posted by randfish We all know that keywords and links alone no longer cut it as a holistic
Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…
Writing today in the Guardian, Google’s chief legal officer David Drummond spoke to mistakes Google made in removing some links last week under the EU’s new Right To Be Forgotten mandate as well as the difficulties in implementing the law, including naming some criteria where removals… Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.
Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. From Search Engine Land: Leaked Documents Show How Yelp Thinks It’s Not Getting Screwed By Google Yelp may once again feel Google is robbing it of its fair share of search traffic,..
Looking for the next showing of “Jersey Boys”?
Search Engine Land parent company, Third Door Media, Inc.
Jennifer Slegg reports that Google has completely revamped the Google Quality Rating Guidelines, which is used for Google contractors to manually review search results and send that feedback to Google’s team to improve the overall algorithm…
The influence of search on content beyond Google, Bing and Yahoo is pretty amazing. Just think of all the social media monitoring platforms that have launched – they’re all essentially search engines. Another category of online tool that relies on search are content discovery tools (just like Google is a content discovery tool)