Archive for February, 2015

How to Build Custom Facebook Audiences for Marketing and Advertising by @esornoso


Over the last few years, Facebook has been home to the world’s largest internet audience, and 2015 is shaping up to be another major year. When it comes to online marketing and advertising, Facebook has been a very valuable tool for businesses of all sizes and categories.

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The Myth of the Penguin "Penalty"


I’m constantly amazed by the amount of confusion and misunderstanding that surrounds Penguin.

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The Art of Influencing: 29 Tactics to Get What You Want From Others by @LarryKim


As marketers, we are used to trying to influence people to make a purchase, but what about when you want to influence someone to do you a favor or agree with your opinion?

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Beyond Content for Marketing – Channels of Distribution and Being the Best Answer


For businesses that want to differentiate and create a meaningful connection with buyers across the customer lifecycle , content is the answer. This is especially true with business buyers.

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Effective Outreach: Making It as Easy as Possible for Journalists to Say "Yes"


Posted by Beverley_Distilled As part of the promotions and online PR team at Distilled, I spend the majority of my time trying to get the attention of journalists. If you’ve ever worked in PR you’ll know that this isn’t always as easy as it sounds. Journalists are busy

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3 Digital Marketing Trends That Will Start in 2015 by @livlongley


Digital marketing works like traditional marketing; there are trends that need to be watched, and savvy marketers need to stay ahead of the curve. As we start 2015, there are trends emerging which will become incredibly important in the next 12 months.

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Laura Ingalls Wilder Google Logo Pays Homage To “Little House On The Prairie” Author


Doodle team created needle-felted dolls to capture “essence” of Wilder’s legacy. The post Laura Ingalls Wilder Google Logo Pays Homage To “Little House On The Prairie” Author appeared first on Search Engine Land. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Everything You Need to Know About Online Reviews [INFOGRAPHIC] by @wonderwall7


As many e-commerce, local, and even enterprise companies know, online reviews can make or break a business. The infographic below describes some of the trends in online reviews, including: In the US, Amazon is the leading review site. 42% of all its customers have left at least one review

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Need a Blog Topic? Use These Four Ideas by @jeanmariedion


If you’ve resolved to write more blog posts in 2015, you’re certainly not alone. After all, the 2015 B2B Content Marketing study from the Content Marketing Institute suggests 70% of companies are creating more content now than they did a year ago, and 80% of those companies are using blogs. There’s no question that blogs are effective.

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