Archive for September, 2018

Google: Company Name In Title Tag Is Fine


Many web sites put a keyword rich one line short description of the content on the page in their title tag. Many of those companies also add to the end of their title tag the company or brand name of the site. Google confirmed that it is 100% okay to put your company name in your title tag

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SearchCap: Responsive display ads roll out on Google, Bing Ads update, register for SMX East & more


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google responsive display ads roll out as new default display format


Advertisers upload their assets and leave the ad creation to Google’s algorithms. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Why isn’t my fabulous content attracting quality links?


Not getting anyone to respond to your link outreach emails? Here’s a look at why they may be failing and what you can do to improve your open rates and ultimately your link counts. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google Displays Different Dates in Search Results Depending on Relevancy by @MattGSouthern


Google’s John Mueller says search results will display the publication date or last modification date depending on relevancy. The post Google Displays Different Dates in Search Results Depending on Relevancy by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Data: Google Assistant Searcher Behavior On Android vs Google Home


A couple weeks ago, Scott Huffman the VP of Engineering at Google shared some interesting data on the Google Assistant. Here is one slide that shows how people throughout the day use the Google Assistant on their Android device compared to their Google Home device.

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Book now for SMX East — Rates increase next week!


Finish 2018 strong with actionable SEO and SEM tactics from 50+ industry experts. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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3 Valuable PR Lessons You Can Learn From the Nike Controversy by @jeremyknauff


Here’s why Nike holds a powerful PR advantage over its competitors – and how you can do it, too. The post 3 Valuable PR Lessons You Can Learn From the Nike Controversy by @jeremyknauff appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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LinkedIn’s Megan Golden on Building a Blockbuster Content Marketing Strategy


“The good news about being a marketer in 2018 is that we have dozens and dozens of channels to share our marketing story,”  Megan Golden , group manager of LinkedIn’s* global content and social media marketing, said in the opening of her session at Content Marketing World last Thursday. “The bad news about being a marketer in 2018 is that we have dozens and dozens of channels to share our marketing story,” she added

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Programming Note: Rosh Hashanah 5779 – Shana Tova!


This is a programming note that Monday and Tuesday is Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year and I will be offline the next two days.

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