Archive for September, 2018

Google Datasets Search – Searching Large Dataset Databases


Yesterday, as everyone is reporting, Google launched Google Dataset Search. A way to search datasets from environmental and social sciences, government, and ProPublica-style news organizations. The cool thing is this is all powered from the datasets schema that has been available for some time now

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Google: Sites Using A Lot of JavaScript May Not Be Moved to Mobile-First Indexing by @MattGSouthern


Google’s John Mueller says using a lot of JavaScript may prevent a site from being moved to mobile-first indexing.

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Marketers Say Link Building is Their Most Effective SEO Strategy [STUDY] by @MattGSouthern


A majority of marketers surveyed in a recent study say link building is their most effective SEO strategy. The post Marketers Say Link Building is Their Most Effective SEO Strategy [STUDY] by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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SEO "Dinosaur" Tactics That You Should Retire – Whiteboard Friday


Posted by randfish It’s tough to admit it, but many of us still practice outdated SEO tactics in the belief that they still have a great deal of positive influence.

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Facebook Lets Advertisers Target Users Based on Travel-Related Web History by @MattGSouthern


Facebook has introduced a new way for advertisers to target users based on their history of travel-related web browsing. The post Facebook Lets Advertisers Target Users Based on Travel-Related Web History by @MattGSouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Daily Search Forum Recap: September 6, 2018


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google’s exact match close variants expand again: Now include same meaning variations


Exclusive: The latest machine learning-powered update to close variants means exact match will match to the intent of the query. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google: You Can Place Your Company Reviews From 3rd Parties On Your Web Site


Google’s John Mueller said he doesn’t see an SEO problem with taking reviews left about your company on Google Maps, Yelp and other third party web sites and copying some of them or all of them to your own web site to showcase them.

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SearchCap: Google says yes to reviews from Yelp, Google Maps, algorithm change impacts local search & more


Below is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Google Search Ranking Update Brewing? Early Signs Of Algorithm Shifts.


I am seeing super early signs of a Google search algorithm update brewing right now. There is some early limited chatter as of early this morning in the forums and on social media. Some of the automated tracking tools also are picking up changes, while some are not

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