Archive for December, 2018

Our Top 10 Influencer Marketing Posts of 2018


The post Our Top 10 Influencer Marketing Posts of 2018 appeared first on Online Marketing Blog – TopRank® .

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Year in Review: Top 10 expert PPC columns of 2018


Here’s a roundup of the most read paid search columns this year. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Ask an SMXpert: New approaches in customization can build better analytics reports


Data-driven digital marketing expert Simon Poulton outlines opportunities in various solutions to customize dimensions for more focused analytics reporting.

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Google Tea Pot


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Daily Search Forum Recap: December 26, 2018


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Google Image Search Needs Image & Associated Landing Page Both Indexed


For your images to show up in Google Image Search, you don’t just need to make sure your images are on the web somewhere, you need to make sure that the image itself is on a web page that can also be indexed. If either the image itself or the associated page the image is viewable on is not able to be crawled or indexed, then Google won’t show it in image search

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Google Getting Your Canonical URLs Wrong?


A webmaster posted in the Google webmaster help forums after noticing that one of his sites saw hundreds of pages wiped out of the Google index a week or so ago. He noticed that Google is associated one URL to a completely irrelevant canonical URL and suspects that is the issue.

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Top 25 Local Search Ranking Signals You Need to Know by @_kevinrowe


Optimizing for these factors can help increase your local search visibility and help more customers find you.

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What Is Local SEO & Why Local Search Is Important by @BrianHarnish


Want a local audience to find your business online?

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TopRank Marketing’s Top 6 B2B Influencer Marketing Predictions & Trends to Watch in 2019


How many of you can count the number of times you’ve purchased a product or made a decision based on a recommendation from a friend, acquaintance, review on the web or a celebrity endorsement?

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