Archive for April, 2020

Did you know that Google employs 810 features on its SERPs?


Each feature is tailored to a certain type of search or search intent.

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13 Ways B2B Influencer Marketing Offers Brands an Ideal Alternative to the Benefits of Physical Events


B2B influencer marketing is an ideal way for brands to drive digital conversations during the global health crisis, and we have 13 ways influencers can virtually deliver many of the benefits that have been lost due to postponed or cancelled real-world events. With 45 percent of consumers spending more time on social media and 95 percent spending more time on in-home media consumption according to a recent GlobalWebIndex survey, now is an ideal time for brands to drive digital conversations using influencer marketing.

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TapClicks buys AdStage to expand marketing intelligence, predictive campaign optimization capabilities


The companies share a vision of a unified marketing platform. AdStage founder will head up intelligence group. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article

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Fake reviews problem is much worse than people know


Like a virus it infects all the major review sites, especially Google and Amazon. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google testing Question Hub in the U.S. for COVID-related queries


Initially launching in India and other regions where Google had content gaps, Google is now testing this in the US.

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Bing Places Integrates GoFundMe


Bing announced it has partnered with GoFundMe to integrate it into Bing Places. This enables businesses that need funding from its community an easy way to highlight that need in Bing Search and Bing Maps.

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Google Tests Side Bar Filters Design In Search Again


Back in September we reported Google was testing a new search results design that had search filters on the left hand side, with more colors. I personally cannot replicate it but it seems more and more people are seeing this test now.

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How Google SERP Layouts Affect Searching Behavior


Posted by Stephen_Job There are several studies (and lots of data) out there about how people use Google SERPs, what they ignore, and what they focus on. An example is Moz’s recent experiment testing whether SEOs should continue optimizing for featured snippets or not (especially now that Google has announced that if you have a featured snippet, you no longer appear elsewhere in the search results).

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Daily Search Forum Recap: April 21, 2020


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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