Archive for June, 2021

There Was No Product Review Update; A Core Updates Can Impact Product Review Sites


To double check, Glenn Gabe asked Danny Sullivan of Google if there was a product reviews update that happened at the same time or so as the June 2021 core update. The answer from Danny Sullivan of Google was no, if a product reviews site was impacted, it was “almost certainly related to” the core update.

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How to Get More Views on YouTube: Experts Share Tips via @sejournal, @gregjarboe


YouTube wants to help viewers find videos and keep them engaged and satisfied. Learn 17 expert tactics to earn your YouTube videos more views. The post How to Get More Views on YouTube: Experts Share Tips appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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How to Test Your AMP Pages: The Complete Guide via @sejournal, @dansmull


Learn how to implement, validate, monitor, and fix the most common AMP errors to improve SEO with this step-by-step testing guide.

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13 Best WordPress SEO Plugins via @sejournal, @jonleeclark


Optimizing your WordPress site is a necessity, and plug-ins can make your job easier. Here are 13 of the most useful WordPress SEO plugins

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Google: You Need Some Unique Content To Rank Templated Content Above The Fold


Google’s John Mueller was asked if templated content above the fold can rank in Google Search, where the unique content is below the fold. John Mueller said “the important part for us is really that there is some amount of unique content in the above the fold area.”

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Google Shows How to Create Web Stories in 5 Steps via @sejournal, @martinibuster


New video and blog post shows how easy it is to create a web story in 5 steps and 5 minutes The post Google Shows How to Create Web Stories in 5 Steps appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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WooCommerce’s integration with Google Shopping is now live


The integration with shopping partners like Woocommerce makes it even easier for retail and commerce partners to reach increased audience across Google’s properties. Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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5 Examples of B2B Brands Rocking With Influence in 2021


How does influence help B2B brands achieve success? Influence may be multifaceted almost to a fault, however a key essence is its role in providing smart answers to the questions your audiences have. Reaching target audiences through digital channels was recently found to be a top-three critical challenge for B2B marketers.

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How big and fast was this Google June 2021 core update?; Wednesday’s daily brief


Google cuts short names from Google My Business Please visit Search Engine Land for the full article.

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Google Tests Trending Searches Carousel


Google is testing a new carousel in the search results titled “trending searches.” This shows a carousel with images and query refinements based on your original query – that may show what searches related to your original query are trending.

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