Archive for July, 2022

Putting lipstick on a pig: Fix the website or fail at SEO


You’ve landed a new client and you’re digging into the website.

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Spotlight on Talent: 20 B2B Influencer Marketing Experts to Follow in 2022 and Beyond


On the heels of publishing our 2022 State of B2B Influencer Marketing research, there are many questions that go beyond what can be contained within a robust 59 page report. While we’re ready and happy to answer any of those questions at TopRank Marketing I also know there are many smart B2B marketing practitioners working at companies of all sizes that have important insight, experience and perspectives to share.

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How to use 12 micro intents for SEO and content journey mapping


Classifying queries based on the classic search intents is no longer as effective as it used to be. Today, SEOs who want to understand search intent should be closely analyzing micro intents

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Bing "See Your Ad Here" Spot


Microsoft is testing in Bing Search a link named “see your ad here.” I guess this is promoting Microsoft Advertising’s search ad platform to encourage advertisers to bid on those keywords for that query.

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Bing Search Featured Snippet With "Answered By Bing Expert"


Microsoft Bing is testing a section under its featured snippet answers named “answered by Bing expert.” Bing will show an answer pulled from the source website, put the author’s name by the answer, and call them a “Bing Expert.”

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Google Product Results Carousel With Highlights


Google Shopping results have shown top highlights for products some time but now it seems Google is testing showing the number of available product highlights in the carousel of product results in Google Search.

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Google Discover Stories With TikTok, Facebook, YouTube For Destination Queries


Google is testing a new format for destination queries that not only shows things to do but now showed this story format “Discover” section.

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Microsoft Bing Video Playlist In Web Search Interface


Microsoft Bing Video search results has had a playlist feature since at least 2020. But now it seems Microsoft is testing displaying the playlist icon in the Bing web search results, not just the video results

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