Archive for October, 2022

Research Finds Evidence Of User Dissatisfaction With Google Results via @sejournal, @martinibuster


Recently published research shows that about 30% of searchers on Google must repeat their searches because the first set of results weren’t satisfactory The post Research Finds Evidence Of User Dissatisfaction With Google Results appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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TikTok: Your Guide To Quickly Growing Followers via @sejournal, @macuraa


Whether you want to grow your page organically (or with paid tools), here are tips to grow faster and appear on your customers’ feeds. The post TikTok: Your Guide To Quickly Growing Followers appeared first on Search Engine Journal

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10 Dos And Don’ts For Building A Successful Travel Website via @sejournal, @seo_travel


When it comes to SEO, your website is the foundation on which your hard work rests.

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The 7-Day Quick Start Guide to SEO + Cheat Sheet


We all start somewhere. For you, it’s your very first day of SEO. Or, more precisely—for the sake of this guide—your first seven days of SEO.

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SafeOpt’s 10 Trusted Ecommerce Tips To Reduce Abandoned Carts & Increase Sales


Learn how to recover ecommerce shoppers by reducing abandoned carts and improving customer loyalty to increase your online sales. The post SafeOpt’s 10 Trusted Ecommerce Tips To Reduce Abandoned Carts & Increase Sales appeared first on Search Engine Journal .

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Daily Search Forum Recap: October 28, 2022


Here is a recap of what happened in the search forums today…

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Search News Buzz Video Recap: Google Spam Update Hits Hard, Query Data Analytics Bug Fixed, Google Ads API, PMax Updates & Earnings Reports


This week, we covered how the day after Google announced the Google October 2022 spam update was done, only then did we see some really massive changes. Google fixed a month-long bug with Google Analytics 3…

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13 essential SEO skills you need to succeed


What is the greatest skill in SEO? If you believe this tweet , it’s patience .

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Google: Human Written Content Doesn’t Necessarily Make The Content Useful Or Helpful


Google’s John Mueller said on Twitter that just because a piece of content is written by a human, it does not make that content necessarily helpful and good content.

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Old Google Page Speed Algorithms Are No Longer Used


Google’s John Mueller confirmed this morning that Google no longer uses the old Google page speed algorithms from 2010 or 2018. Instead, he said, Google only uses the page experience update, looking at the core web vital metrics.

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